
Nathan Larson #sexist red-pill-libertarian.com

Could it be that adult-child sex serves a useful purpose for the kid while she's young, and then later the repulsion is a way of getting her to mate with someone else? This seems similar to how little kids like their parents, and cling to their parents, while they're young; and later, when they become teenagers, are embarrassed by their parents and want to distance themselves from them.

The fact that later, they feel differently about their parents than they did before, doesn't mean that their parents never should've nurtured them to begin with. It's just that the time for that kind of nurturing came to an end. Who's to say it's not the same way with adult-child sex, including situations in which teenage boys leave behind the older men they used to have sex with, and go after girls instead?

(The pedophile then is like the caterpillar's cocoon, that serves its purpose and then is abandoned. Just because the butterfly feels no need to go back inside the cocoon doesn't mean the caterpillar erred in entering it, and should've been protected from it.)

These days, though, a lot of kids come back to their parents anyway, after their teenage years, and get along with them fine. Many even form three-generation households.

Who's to say that those kids who came to hate the pedophiles who had sex with them, wouldn't later feel differently, if society would be accepting of those changed feelings? But since society doesn't want to hear it, they have to keep quiet. It's hard to know what the truth is, when there's so much stigma attached to a certain point of view.

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