
L. Todd Wood #fundie nowtheendbegins.com

Why do you think the Obama administration went after filmmaker Dinesh D’souza with federal charges, eventually convicting him of a campaign finance felony?

D’Souza served eight months in a community confinement center, received five years probation, and paid a $30,000 fine, all for giving some money to a friend to donate to a candidate. Somehow, I think there are plenty of people federal prosecutors have not gone after so aggressively for a similar offense.

The reason the federal government went after D’Souza so forcefully was that Dinesh, in his first movie 2016: Obama’s America, hit the nail right on the head regarding our Dear Leader’s agenda. Obama could not let this continue. He had to attempt to silence Dinesh and buy more time to complete his goal—the creation of a global Islamic caliphate.

The evidence is just too overwhelming. There is no other conclusion any intelligent, thinking man can come to.

The New York Post reports today that Obama could not even acknowledge the concept of “Muslim Terrorists” at the extremist convention the administration threw together to act like they were doing something against the Islamic Jihadist threat.

Obama has not shown any leadership in Europe against Russian designs in Ukraine, or any other international conflict, because it’s just not important to him. It doesn’t fit with his long-term goals, so he just pays it lip service. He has to keep his eye on the ball.

The goal of this administration is to weaken American power so the United States cannot stop the formation of the caliphate from North Africa to Pakistan. Even more frightening is that Obama is attempting to radically change the population of the United States through illegal immigration so that eventually, a Muslim U.S.A. will join his new kingdom.

I have written again and again about the Obama administration’s agenda to allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon to destroy Israel and bring the entire Levant into the caliphate. Israeli nuclear weapons stand in the way of this goal. A nuclear Iran will destroy the Jewish State.

Why Obama Wants to Destroy America:

The Jerusalem Post today reports that the State Department is mocking Israel and openly admits they are not including Israel in the negotiations that involve her very survival.

[News article excerpt]

Iran going nuclear, ISIS conquering the Middle East and threatening to invade Europe, terrorists actively being courted to enter the United States, Christians being slaughtered, Obama refusing to utter the words ‘Islamic terrorist’, Jihad being carried out in Paris and other European capitals, et cetera, et cetera, all point to Obama forming a global Islamic kingdom.

The question is, when he leaves office, is Obama looking to become sultan of his new empire?

stl #fundie nowtheendbegins.com

It all heating up for all of us, there 800 FEMA CAMPS in operation right now, that can hold 100,000 people each. The 9 Harbingers and the 4 blood moons will go into effect in April 15, 2014 to Sept. 29, 2015, I believe our storms and earthquakes will continue to get bigger and more worse starting in 2014, the Philippines Storm will be just considered a small storm than the ones coming next year. If your not saved by Jesus Christ redemption of His salvation, stop fooling around turn your life over to Jesus Christ, right away.

Pastor Steven LaRue #fundie nowtheendbegins.com

Everything falls in a order. Isreal will attack Iran, but this will bring Russia into the picture, cause Russian ships are in Iranian ports. And surely these ships will get destroyed! The Assad will get mad, and start lobbying missles at Isreal borders. Isaiah 17:1 Isreal will nuke Damascus, the Iran will go to the UN plead bloodly murder. This will get others in a up roar, then Iran with Russia will plan there counterattack on Isreal with the aid of Libya, Turkey, Sudan and possibly Germany, this is called Magog War, Ezekiel Chapter 38 & 39! Then the Tribulation begins. Since I’m a Pre-tribber, I believe right before this uprising to attack Isreal the Born Again Christian will disappear !st Cor. 15: 51-52 as it will be a Mystery that we disappeared?

Wily #fundie nowtheendbegins.com

Back in the mid 60's (64 or 6) the rolling stones came out w/an album called ‘my majesty satanic request’ – it’s clear who their god is! Crowley mug appeared also on the beatles album ‘yellow submarine’, it’s very clear of satan’s influence in Hollywood and the music business! When we were young it seemed death was an eternity away, now these groups like the stones, eagles etc & Hollywood actors that are now old death must seem scary! Years ago (yeah, I know) back in the 60's the beatles had a song titled ‘yesterday’ – the song starts out with ‘yesterday, when I was young’ a lot could be said, other than their was a time (not that long ago) when inspirational songs where our God was glorified in the pop song’s!
Our Jesus will give us new bodies one day, I don’t care if your just 40 (or more) you’ll (we) will appreciate our glorified bodies when we hear maranath!

Now the End Begins #fundie nowtheendbegins.com

Similiarities between Adolf Hitler & Barack Hussein Obama:

• Both Hitler and Obama held rallies in outdoor stadiums to excite and inflame the people's passions. Frequently women would faint or break into tears.

• Both Hitler and Obama wrote ghost-written autobiographies prior to the start of theri run for political office. Hitler wrote Mein Kampf (My Struggle), and Obama wrote Dreams Of My Father. Both men then wrote a second book talking about their goals for German and America. Hitler wrote A New World Order, and Obama wrote The Audacity of Hope.

• Both Hitler and Obama originally had last names that were changed later in life. Hitler used to be Schickelbruber, and Obama's last name was Soetoro.

• Both Hitler and Obama hid their real identies. Hiter had a Jewish ancestry, and Obama a Muslim one. But unlike Hitler, Obama flaunted his Muslim roots in his start as a politician in order to defuse the inevitable firestorm. His ploy of "hiding in plain sight" worked very well.

• Both Hitler and Obama's supporters followed them blindly, and without question

• Both Hitler and Obama used political power and coercion to conceal and hide their birth certificates from coming to public view. Hitler made his disappear, and Obama is unwilling and unable to produce his long-form birth certificate.

• Both Hitler and Obama advocate using young people as a driving force to create an "army" of youth dedicated to their Ideals. Hitler had his Hitler Youth, and Obama his
Obama Youth Brigade.

• Both Hitler and Obama were known for their tremendous oratorical skills

• Both Hitler and Obama received Messianic comparisons, and both men had songs of adoration written about them and for them.

• Like Hitler, Obama rules in direct disregard to the will and wishes of the people.

• Like Hitler, Obama has an obvious distaste for the Jews, and sides with the Muslims every chance he gets.

• Both Hitler and Obama were able to mezmerize the people even when it was obvious that what they were saying was not true.

• Both Hitler and Obama used domestic terrorists to launch their careers. Hitler had his Brown Shirts from his beer hall days, and Obama had people like Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, and Rashid Khalidi.

• Like Hitler, Obama advocates using murder as a means of population control.

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