
Henry Makow #fundie henrymakow.com

It takes vision to see what is in front of your eyes.

"Slovenly" "Drab" Unkempt" "Slatternly" "Blowzy" --many adjectives describe most women who wear jeans.

Since I noticed this trend, I am appalled by its pervasiveness. At least half of the women I see are wearing jeans.

Occasionally they are with husbands also clad in blue denim, emphasizing the unisex character of this proletarian garb. Occasionally there is an eldest daughter also wearing blue jeans, already promised to the cult of androgyny.

But usually these women are alone and don't look happy. Often they look angry or lost. Usually they are talking on a cell phone or listening to their ipod.

Men, if you're tempted by such a woman, her jeans are a signal that you may have to deal with "GID" --"gender identity disorder." Her jeans are saying: "I don't want to be a woman. I don't want to look good for men. I fear and distrust men. I want male prerogatives. I want to look like a man. I want to be a man."

Feminism which espoused "women's rights" actually has driven femininity underground, torn the sexes asunder, and stripped woman of recognition for being wives and mothers, roles essential to their own fulfillment, to men, and to children and society.

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