
Lucas #fundie blogsforbush.com

Well, evolving and adapting are two different things, so I guess that the two have no correlation. But alas, some fool-hardy people wish to think that they do. I'll elaborate on that ...

In natural selection, things change physically in order to meet needs. In evolution, they are saying that species change species. We are not apes, apes are not humans, therefore, we can not come from apes, and apes can't come from humans. Dogs are not cats, cats are not dogs. AND FURTHERMORE you can't cross breed the two. I'll guarantee 1,000 to 1 if you took a male ape's semen and injected it into a female human, nothing would happen, and the woman would not concieve. It was setup this way, and that's just the way it is. I can't, to the life of me, see the reason why people wish to believe that we came from apes.

Now ... explain to me, why you think we evolved from apes. Apes have adapted relatively well enough to survive. They have no need to think or add or subtract, or multiply or divide. They have no need of highly sophisticated jobs ... now tell me, how in the world can we come from apes? It makes absolutely no sense. Furthermore, how could apes have came from us? That's even more bizarre.

Natural Selection and Evolution are so totally seperate and opposite that it's amazing, yet people still wish to continue in the thought process that they are similar or even exactly the same.

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