
J2R #fundie aarm.mywowbb.com

[Commenting on the role of religion in American legislation:]

OP:Well, then should Hindus be able to have a law enacted prohibiting the consumption of Bee?
JR: No, but I'm not Hindu.
OP:And then Muslims prohibiting the consumption of pork?
JR: No, but I'm not Muslim.
OP:And then Jews the consumption of seafood?
JR: No, but I'm not a Jew.
OP:At the end, you wouldn't be able to eat anything because every religion forbids something else,
JR: Thankfully I follow Christianity, not all religions.
OP:How would you like it if they were all telling you that sin is much worse and much more important than nutrition?
JR: I would be apathetic.
OP:Or do you think that you should only have to follow your own religion, and they should follow theirs?
JR: No, I think everyone should be Christian.
OP:And why should I follow your religion?
JR: Because Jesus is awesome and because you're a sinner.
OP:Why should they if you don't follow theirs?
JR: Because they should convert.

NorrinRadd #fundie aarm.mywowbb.com

[Discussing Palin's refusal to label people who bomb abortion clinics as "terrorists."]

I agree that bombing abortuaries is not necessarily "terrorism," because in many cases, the intent is not to "instill fear," but to destroy the means of killing the unborn. My main moral objection to the practice is that it is impossible to be sure that only property, not people, will be harmed.

manonfire #fundie aarm.mywowbb.com

[manonfire struggles to answer the question of whether or not Anne Frank and Adolf Hitler both ended up in the same place according to Christian theology.]

Torquemada (former fundy): man, do you believe that Anne Frank and Adolf Hitler both went to the same place? Neither of them accepted Jesus as their personal savior....

manonfire: Come on, Torq! You should know that works doesn't get you into heaven. You have been preaching it for as long as I've known you. There is only one path to salvation, and you know what it is. I'm totally confused how you have done a 180 in such a short period of time!

I think you have played so many different roles on these message boards that you have lost touch with reality! I think you have lost touch with who you are. In psychology, it's called personality disorder. However, I will support you any way I can through this time of crisis in your life, in hopes of helping you get well.

[A poster who jokingly calls himself "YHWH" attempts to provoke an answer to the original question.]

YHWH: Hitler massacred millions of innocent people, and Anne Frank... er... lied once when she was eight years old and slapped an obnoxious schoolyard bully. Therefore, they were both sinners, deserving of eternal damnation.

manonfire: Well, I don't know for certain about Anne Frank. She may have accepted Jesus Christ on her death bed. But you are correct in that sin is sin in God's eyes. Sin is not what keeps you out of God's kingdom. It's not accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour.

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