
Jonathan David Mooers #conspiracy americanresistanceparty.org


On this Iran "deal" herein, [Bathouse Barry] Obama is anxious to add this deal to his [criminal] legacy [of lies] says the lapdog propaganda press, and even though Boy Barry (= a half-baked assembly of abandoned human debris derived from a one-night-stand-full-term-sperm-of-the-moment-surrender of a 17 year-old mudshark mama) pretends to be a hapless dithering dunce so as to help his Muslim buddies proliferate, ANY DEAL WITH IRAN BY ISLAMIC COUNTERFEIT presIDent SOETORO-OBAMA IS CONSTITUTIONALLY NULL AND VOID; DOA!

“All that Imaginary presIDent Barry Soetoro directs America to do as a dick-taster dictator IS NULL AND VOID FROM JANUARY 21, 2009 (the day when Congress-approved Soetoro's identity-hiding Executive Order 13489) TO THE PRESENT TIME; and until our oath-taking tax-taking Congress and Courts cease their daily robbery of Barry Soetoro's full identity and life history from some 318,000,000 legal Americans citizens, it is the inalienable duty of We the People to rise up from subjects to Citizens to remove an Islamic cancer-cell, code-named Barack Hussein Obama, and to supervise an Islamic-cell-complicit Congress of Criminals and an Islamic-cell-complicit Judas Judiciary [US Supreme Court]!” - J Mooers 2015

BOEHNER-GOWDY-O'REILLY: YOU REMAIN "CELEBRITY CRIMINALS" until you de-fund, de-power, arrest and fully identify an Islamic cancer-cell, code-named Barry Soetoro, to save America!

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Rise up to engineer a White House eviction of Barry Soetoro for non-payment of sworn duties, and any future fraud WH occupant, and TURN OUR BACKS ON UNACCOUNTED LAWLESSNESS AND LIES! Only those who might vote with violence to maintain Barry Soetoro's WH eviction are outed committed criminals, useful idiots, misguided spirits and low-horizon voters who wish to continue UNACCOUNTED LAWLESSNESS AND RECIEVE SOETORO'S FREE LIFELINES OF LIES!

US CONGRESS OF CRIMINALS (Who rob America of Soetoro's full ID): what Constitutional law(s) can you cite to legally justify the surrender of funds to pay for non-Constitutional executive amnesty-anarchy without borders and secret Soetoro-Jarrett negotiation letters/commitments with Iranian thugs, arms to sworn-enemy-Muslim-Brotherhood Morsi and Soetoro's endless parade of "phony scandals", using money we don't have http://www.usdebtclock.org/ to purchase non-Constitutional directives of harm to Americans from a known non-Constitutional sedated-seditionist Islamic cancer-cell, Muslim Barry Soetoro?

America does not need a Second Revolution; America desperately needs a nation-healing American Renaissance that can only commence upon the arrest and removal of a planted Islamic cancer-cell, code named, Barack Hussein Soetoro-Obama! - J Mooers 2015

>>>Aaron Klein: can you make sure Israel's venerable Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu (a Fellow 49er!), leader of Soetoro-abandoned "Little America" in the Middle East, gets this e-mail (before Soetoro blacks-out the Internet). Bibi has my permission as a Fellow 49er natural-born (Easter Sunday 1949) American Citizen to expose Islamist Barry Soetoro to all America when he speaks to our Congress of Criminals (Who Rob America of Soetoro's full ID) next month: MARCH IS THE MONTH AND MARCH IS THE MISSION! Soetoro is a fully dangerous political mad scientist that needs to be marched out of the White House to a padded cell to save America (and Israel)! Thanks for listening, Jon o-o-o-o END QUOTE o-o-o-o
The American Resistance Party has observed only mediocre concern towards the current bogus, unconstitutional criminal residing in the white house. Nowhere in the history of the United States has there been greater apathy against any lawless thug than felt towards the illegal alien that currently squats in the white house. Mr. Soetoro is an anti-Christian Muslim that was born a bastard, and was/is an avid sodomite and remains will remain forever ineligible for the office of POTUS. But alas, most of Babylon USA prefers to ignore this pure satanic force that resides in DC. Moores is one of the few voices that raises an outcry against the Soetoro cesspool. ###
If you’d like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Mr. Edward C. Noonan, Founder and National Committee Chairman: American Resistance Party, please call 530-777-3474 or email at: [email removed] Forward this email to 10 of your friends for a “free gift.” (bcc us for proof of your referral.) (free gift = Mr. Noonan’s ebook "Chester Arthur - "1st Bogus POTUS" vs. The Death of America") Permission to

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