
Angrybirdroar #sexist angrybirdroar.wordpress.com

How many is okay?

In light of the revelations still being unearthed about the depravity that occurred within the Challenor house and the recent study that shows the increase in sexual assaults occurring in mixed sex changing rooms, I have realised the narrative has shifted.

Instead of women having to justify why they don’t want men in their safe spaces, the activists have to prove why they should. Women have never been anti-trans but pro-safeguarding. The Challoner case has proved that there will aways be depraved men ready to pounce, given half a chance, and we were clearly stating that.

So if you are still going to lie and say ‘trans women are women’ without acknowledging that trans no longer means transsexual, but includes a myriad of sexual fetishes, then we have the right to assume your motives are nefarious. And from now on we will. Every. Single. Time.

So before you jump on Twitter demanding that women allow male bodies into their safe spaces you must:

Prove that NOT ONE single extra rape or sexual assault will occur. Ever.

Explain to rape victims why they are being transphobic for being terrified of male bodies in their spaces.

Explain to every female why it’s ok that they will never be able to win at sports, because men have decided to cheat.

Explain why men should be on women’s shortlists?

Go on. Prove that there is absolutely no increase in risk. Because all I hear is how dangerous it is for trans in men’s spaces, but zero empathy for the sex that has had to factor in male violence, every second of every day since they were born.

Women have a right to set their own boundaries.

Women have a right to define woman.

Women spend their lives being told how to prevent their own rapes, but are deemed bigots when they try.

Well, we’re telling you now that we don’t believe men can actually become women. Telling us we must is gaslighting and abusive. I don’t subscribe to your bollocks gender religion. Gender (stereotypes) is a cancer and feminism is the chemo.

Watching the gender wars playing out, I have seen too many dangerous creepy perverts, living out their sexual fantasies. Sinister, women hating, fuckers preying on kids and abusing women. We knew men hated us and watching the dude bros defend the Buffalo Bills over women has confirmed this.

You call us TERFS and transphobes? We now know this means you are definitely either a misogynist, a rapist or a paedophile. Probably all three.

Anyone demanding women allow men into their changing rooms, toilets, refuges or prisons is a rapist. If it’s a woman saying it then she wants women to be raped and children to be abused. This is now fact.

You’ve labelled us to further your sick agenda. I’m throwing it back in your twisted little faces.

Any lawyers out there – you might want to offer your services to any victims of the illegal practice of mixed sex facilities and kids who have been experimented on by the trans-munchhausens.

Any politicians out there – we are watching. One more child or woman gets hurt because of your inability to defend females we will come for you so hard you won’t know what’s hit you.

Women are angry. We are defending our sisters and our cubs. Mess with us at your peril, perverts.

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