
Islamic State Raqqa militiamen #fundie aranews.net

ERBIL – Militants of the Islamic State (ISIS) executed a kid in Syria’s northeastern city of Raqqa, rights activists and eyewitnesses reported on Thursday.

ISIS has reportedly executed the child in the Naeem Square in the city of Raqqa, the main bastion of ISIS in Syria.

Speaking to ARA News in Raqqa, rights activist S.Y. said that ISIS terrorists have executed a 7-year-old child on Thursday in Syria’s eastern city of Raqqa on charges of ‘insulting divinity’.

“Islamic State’s police arrested the Muaz Hassan earlier this week in the city of Raqqa, after they heard him ‘cursing divinity’, while playing in the street with his friends,” the source quoted an ISIS member of Islamic Court as saying. “The act was considered an insult to the Caliphate, regardless of the age of the boy.”

An ISIS member of the Sharia Court read a statement before conducting the execution, explaining the reasons for his execution, eyewitnesses told ARA News.

The ISIS-led Sharia Court sentenced the victim to death on charges of ‘infidelity’, in a move contrary to every legitimate principle which says children are not held accountable for their acts, according to human rights activists.

The Hisba police force shot him dead on Thursday afternoon in the Naeem Square in front of hundreds of people, including the child’s parents, who collapsed after the execution of their child, according to eyewitness.

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