
Gus #fundie beginningandend.com

Beyonce has become the Pied Piping Whore of Babylon, encouraging all the LADIES to follow her lead. Her real message: wag your ass and flaunt your breasts, and you’ll make the men drunk with desire; and she is correct. The men will desire you—for a day or a month or even a few months. Then, you are abandoned for someone else wagging their tail, and you are left holding nothing but a bag of regret, disallusioned, and many of you, God forbid, pregnant. Beyonce helps destroy marriages, relationships and preaches that Money (Mammon) and fame is what brings happiness. She aids in destroying countless lives of children who lose their dads due to laciviousness or who have been the cause of unwanted/unplanned pregnancies leading to countless abortions. She is a demon from hell parading around as an object of light. Sure, she donates a few dollars here and there for worthy causes, but it’s only for show and to try to pacify her long-dead soul. You Beyonce, are from the church of Sardis. You have a reputation of one who is alive, yet Jesus says YOU ARE DEAD!

John #fundie beginningandend.com

We must learn to distinguish God’s judicial pronouncements from his commands about a way of life for us so as not to mix apples and oranges. The removal of the Canaanite peoples was a judicial ruling by God. Consider, in the USA we give people rights. But those rights can be taken away if people commit a crime. Its called prison. Is that hypocrisy to say people have rights (out of one side of our mouth) but then put them into prison ( out of the other)? No because those persons gave up many of their rights when they committed a crime. There were no prisons in Canaan. As a judicial ruling, God told Israel to dispossess the people in the land. They were either to kill them or in some cases enslave them. The Canaanites had already lost all of their rights and were under God’s just judgment. There was no justification for arbitrary chattel slavery in the Bible — (the kind which we knew in antebellum times) — in fact the slavery which kidnapped people and sold them as property was punishable by death (Exodus 21:16) .

No they were ONLY to kill or enslave under God’s direct verbal orders – Remember, He is God so His judicial ruling is more just than any human court has ever been since He knows all of our crimes perfectly. So When Israel killed people they were simply acting as God’s hand, speeding up the death sentence we all justly deserve.

You think this racist because it targets foreigners? Think again. God also warned the Israelites that they were not immune from the Canaanites’ judgment: “But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land, those you allow to remain will become barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides. They will give you trouble in the land where you will live. And then I will do to you what I plan to do to them.’ “(Numbers 33:55-56). So not only were foreigners made slaves — when the Israelites disobeyed God – REMEMBER – they were carried off in the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities. So God is not partial or racist.

n/a #fundie beginningandend.com

Ellen DeGeneres JCPenney ad is full of Satanic symbolism]

Talk show host and outspoken homosexual advocate Ellen DeGeneres appears in a commercial with 666 symbolism abounding. Watch the opening seconds of the commercial and see if you can notice it.

If you pause at 2 seconds into the video, you will notice the front “sale sign” in the store has “666? in large font on it. At 3 seconds, the sign on the right side of the store (behind the employee) is visible with 666 as well as the small sign on the left wall’s shelves. 4 seconds, the sign on the back shelves becomes visible and also has “666.”
The number 666 is detailed in the book of Revelation Chapter 13. And it is distinctly linked to the Antichrist, Satanically-empowered, false Messianic figure who will be the world’s foremost political leader in the end times, as well as being worshiped by the unbelieving world as God. With full control over the world’s economy, the Antichrist will install a new system of commerce where all buying and selling is controlled by a “mark” in the right hand or forehead of every person on the planet under penalty of death...

As society moves further from God, Biblical moral values and enters into an age of immorality and the occult, symbolism serves to implant images and ideas in the subconscious mind in order to accept those ideas or desire them in the conscious mind in the future. And now even Satan and the Antichrist is being promoted into the minds of the public today. This makes it all the more important to stand up for the truth of the Bible and share it with others.

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