
Daniel Whyte III #fundie blackchristiannews.com

The millennial kingdom will be a time of faith, when the majority of the population will become believers. We see that in several Bible passages. Christ will be in charge, so there won’t be immoral or other forms of destructive TV programming available to blind men’s minds to the gospel. Body-damaging substances will not be available, so people will not have their minds so fogged that they cannot fairly appraise the truths of Scripture. Satan will be bound so he should “deceive the nations no more.” The university chairs of learning will not be dominated by atheists set on turning the minds of young people away from God. Instead, all education will start from the premise, “In the beginning GOD!” In such an academic climate, young people will be more open than ever to the claims of God and Christ on their lives. Even art forms will glorify Christ during the millennial kingdom. Jeremiah 31:31-34 indicates that everyone will be so acquainted with the gospel that no one will need to share it with his neighbor.

Isaiah 65:20 indicates that unbelievers will die “being 100 years old.” That suggests enormous consequences for the high percentage of believers living at that time, for it indicates that only Christians will live beyond their hundredth birthday. Evidently God will give people 100 years to decide about Christ. If they accept Him, they are permitted to live on for the rest of the kingdom period. But no sinner will survive his hundredth birthday. That fact alone would mean that only Christians will be alive to propagate and raise children after they are l00 years old. Based on this fact, along with the ideal cultural environment present during this era, it is possible that as high as 80 percent or more of the population will be saved during that age.

The government and politics of the millennial kingdom will focus on the benevolent reign of Jesus Christ as Israel’s Messiah-King. It will be a theocracy centered in Jerusalem, where Jesus will reign as both Messiah and King of Israel, thus fulfilling God’s prophetic promise to King David in the Davidic Covenant. God’s covenant with David guaranteed David’s dynasty, throne, and kingdom would continue forever. When Jesus Christ returns at the end of the Tribulation, He will reestablish the Davidic throne in His personal rule. Other significant passages describing Christ’s reign over Israel include Psalm 2, Isaiah 9:6-7, Jeremiah 33:20-26, Ezekiel 34:23-25 and 37:23-24, and Luke 1:32-33. These and other Bible passages provide ample specific evidence that the kingdom promised to David will be fully realized in the future.

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