
Thomas Fagan #fundie blogs.orlandosentinel.com

The staunch backers of evolution (Darwinists) are really Members of a religion called Atheism. They are very fearful of any evidence supporting a God or an Intelligent Designer.

I suppose that they are in general acting in a very sinful way and fear any suggestion they might be held responsible. Thus the bazaar unreasonable fear and resistance to allowing a public discussion of Intelligent Design.

They seem to be most fearful of exposing young school children to the empirical evidence of Intelligent Design even though there is more scientific evidence for ID then for Evolution at this time in history.

Brian #fundie blogs.orlandosentinel.com

Its really funny to see how all the evolutionists feel so threatened by this. If evolution is so pure and true, then you should have nothing to fear from "intelligent design" being taught as another theory of creation. But that's just it. You have a LOT to fear because the theory of evolution does not hold water when scrutinized. But it really is easier to believe in evolution. Believing in evolution allows you equate human beings to the beasts of the wild. When you put people on the same plane as animals instead of beings created in God's image, it makes it easier for you to justify the horrors of abortion, euthanasia, and other such atrocities.

Tim #fundie blogs.orlandosentinel.com

Can someone please explain to me the problem of teaching multiple, scientific theories of the beginnings of the earth in public schools? Evolution, as a stand alone explanation for all life on earth has been repeatedly found lacking (e.g. no transitional forms, the problem of infinite regression of causes, lack of vestigal organs) as a single explanation. Why should teachers not be allowed to point out these deficiencies and point to other theories, like intelligent design, that propose solutions to the problems. And before you attack me as a religious zealot, please take note that intelligent design in no way implies which "intelligent" agent designed life. The bottom line is, the irreducible complexity of some of life's most basic systems has never been explained by evolutionists, despite the challenge to do so being published over 10 years ago. Until a plausible and scientifically valid explanation can be provided, I think we must consider and teach alternative explanations. Science only gets better and more robust through exploring alternate explanations for observed phenomenon, not by silencing dissent.

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