
sadgalsaint #fundie blues-sevenfold.tumblr.com


The lengths that white people on this site will go through to defend a racist and his family is astonishing. Everyone keeps saying Keaton isn’t his mother, that he’s just a kid, & he’s too young to be a racist; as if older kids cant develop ideas and prejudices of their own. Y'all will infantalize big ass kids and throw their victims under the bus just to protect whiteness ????


I hold you in every bit as much contempt as I do the alt-right and anti-SJW crowd. See, I’ve long stopped expecting basic human decency from the alt-right and anti-SJW folks - but I should be able to *expect* better behaviour from you, who claims to be in opposition to those shitheads!!

Oh, I get it!! You’re an alt-right shithead pretending to be a social justice blogger in order to make social justice bloggers look like reprehensible hateful bullying assholes!! Game well played, Donald Trump ass-kisser!! Almost had me fooled here—


please go outside for once


If you truly claim to have a higher moral ground to the Donald Trump shitheads, then I would expect you to behave better than them.

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