
Heavengoing #fundie boards.aetv.com

First of all Jesus came to give His life for us all. We are all sinners in the eyes of God until we repent of our sins. The Old Testament tells of things that are past and how the people of that time lived. Jesus came to do away with us having to sacifice animals for our sins. He was our sacifice. If you read the Old Testament, you will find that even tho those laws was for that time, that some of those laws were brought forth in the time of Jesus. Laws such as the Ten commandments and others. Read your Bible. Read the Old Testament and than read the new. Read what the old law stated and read what the New Testament says about sex, love, marriage, and so forth. I have been around gays and they were nice. What I am saying is that I value their soul more than what kind of life they live. All they have to do is repent and start living a straight life. People say that they are disgusted with me. I am disgusted with people that get out on the street and hold signs saying, "I am gay and have the same right to marry as straight couples do." That is advertising your sex preference. They do not have a right to Marry! God created ADAM AND EVE, not ADAM AND STEVE. Read Romans Chapter 1 and then run references on it. It states that it is an abomination in the eyes of God. You know what really bothers me more than anything is that Satan has people so blind to the truth that they won't listen. God said in the last days that people would be so blinded by Satan that the truth would not be in them.The Bible also states that Satan is the father of all lies. If you read Romans 1, you will find where it says that God will turn these people over to a reprobate mind. I don't hate anyone. I simply believe that this world would be a better place if everyone lived by the Word of God. Just think how simple our lives would be. No more sin, no more killing, no more pain, and no more debates like this one.Yes, I have a strong faith. It keeps me going every day because I know in whom I believe and what I believe. I don't believe in abortion either. First, it is murder and God says that murder is wrong. Can you really imagine in your heart what that little unborn child is feeling while it is being killed. To answer all the questions you asked, Why do you choose to not answer your own questions. All the answers are in the BIBLE. Thank you and may God Bless you.

Heavengoing #fundie boards.aetv.com

I will not be watching Wedding Wars for the same reason that I do not watch other programs, such as some talk shows. I do not believe that gays should advertise their sex life. It is an abomination and a sin in the eyes of God. Our nation is suppose to stand up for God and His values. Yes, they may work at any job or what ever they choose. They should not marry because it is not natural. Romans chapter 1. Read it. Read also what would happen to you if you lived in a Arab country and then people gripe about the war in Iraq.I am so sick of people spreading lies around about that oh I was born gay. That is a lie from the devil. May God help us all to live according to The Word of God

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