
Anonymous #fundie boards.fireden.net

That's literally what all college campuses since the 1950's have been producing, functional illiterates that have drunk the globalist kool-aid and passed on their own ignorance as an ideal conduct, McCarthy was right by assuming there were communist infiltrators in America, but because he went on a witch hunt in Hollywood instead of College Campuses (something that the government indeed shut down before it could've gained traction) people now think of him as a neurotic asshole that can't handle opinions and ruined many careers.

The fact that people just won't believe that there's such a thing as a fabian scheme, a mason scheme, a communist scheme that spawned for over 200 years of history because of how long term it is just shows how deeply engraved the brainlet thought process was normalized, the fact that to this day there's not a single book, documentary or history lesson that documents the rise of Cultural Marxism throughout the entirety of the 20th century and the damage (Yes, damage) it caused, it's literally all up to intellectual outcasts and ''conspiracy theorists'', which is convenient, because if you believe that Truman purposely let the Soviets alone after WW2 even though the next logical step was to take on them, and went on to pick on Japan so the Soviets could keep on doing their communism thing you're basicaly a nutcase.

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