
Archer…Sterling Archer #fundie breakingnewsandreligion.online

Whether you suffer eternal punishment or not has nothing to do with what you DO; it has everything to do with what you ARE.You are not a sinner because you sin; you sin because you are a sinner.

Sin is the rejection of God - rejection of His life, His goodness,His will, His gifts, His creation of you - in preference for your own will. He alone is creative, therefore, to prefer your own will is to prefer destruction. God does not send people to Hell because they were "bad"; He sends you to Hell because that's what you chose. You reject Him who is Light, therefore He gives you darkness; you reject Him who is joy, therefore He gives you sorrow; you reject Him who is love, therefore He gives you hatred; you reject Him who is your gracious Creator, therefor He gives you eternal separation from Him....an eternity of loneliness. You wanted an existence where you were your own god, so He gives you that; you can have all of eternity to try to create your own universe.

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