
Suzanne Maher #conspiracy byebyebluesky.com

LED Lighting – Stealth Weapon Deployed Around World, Particularly in Major Cities

There are currently 5.7 million LED outdoor lights being installed in the U.S. and more around the world. This white-blue light is also in computers and cell phones. These lights are being mandated under the guise of false science and climate change. The old outdoor lighting did not disrupt sleep patterns or harm our eyes.

The new LED’s/blue rich designs and the harsh glare, increased light flicker rates, create ill health, disrupt circadian rhythms and harm animal life. This is one more component of stealth weapon technology working in conjunction with the ‘smart grid.’

Suzanne Maher #conspiracy byebyebluesky.com

Skynet; The Techno Enslavement of Humanity is Here

Please take note of the real agenda behind the smart grid infrastructure that is being rolled out globally. Skynet is not about convenience or faster downloads. It is a trap created to ensnare those who are not aware of the dangers of wireless tech.

The Space Fence or otherwise called Skynet, is lynch pin behind the transhumanist/genetic engineering agenda. The extremely high frequency non-ionizing 5G millimeter waves which will be put on schools, telephone poles, hydro poles, and public buildings is radio frequency poisoning, and a vehicle in which to connect everything from “pill bottles to plant waters” stated by the FCC’s Tom Wheeler.

3G was 3 gigahertz, 4G was 4 gigahertz and 5G is 24 gigahertz to 90 gigahertz. These are billions of oscillations in a second. We are electro chemical beings and this radiation is breaking and destroying our DNA strands. The oppressors of our planet are attempting to make Artificial Intelligence the new God or Ruler.

Suzanne Maher #conspiracy byebyebluesky.com



[Image transcript - A sky with contrails labeled "Exposure", a Big Mac and fries labeled "Integration" and the top of a communications tower labeled "Activation". Together these are labeled a "Trinary Attack"]

Suzanne Maher #conspiracy byebyebluesky.com

5G Kill Grid – They Won’t Fire A Shot, They Will Cook You!!!

Very important information shared by Joe Imbriano about the dangers of the 5G kill grid. Joe talks about how the electromagnetic fields are messing with human tissues, the water molecule and the oxygen molecule.

The 5G is militarized weaponry; millimeter waves that have been used in crown control. Wi-Gig/5G is not about faster downloads and convenience, this is about irradiating the population. They will be installing microwave cells instead of the huge towers that are already in place, with generator systems the size of shipping containers next to them. They will accompany cables four to five inches in diameter, capable of handling thousands of volts of power. This is nothing more than a skillful, diabolical kill grid that is coming to all towns and all cities across the world.

“They aren’t going to fire a shot, they will cook you.”

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