
Unknown author #fundie bylogos.blogspot.ca

Aliens, like angels, are not descendants of Adam. They thus share neither his nature nor guilt. Hence Christ's sacrifice is of no avail to them. Man is the only creature to be thereby saved from the consequences of his sinfulness. Thus, if aliens exist, either they have not fallen from grace or, less happily, like the fallen angels, they cannot be redeemed.

Man has a special relation to God. Man alone was created in the image of God and appointed to rule over creation. Even stars were created primarily to serve as lights and signs for man. Finally, at the end of times, Christ returns to the earth, the abode of man, to judge living and dead. Man is to judge the angels (I Cor.6:3). The New Jerusalem comes down from heaven to earth. All this reinforces the special place of man in God's creation.

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