
CaptainHook33 #conspiracy captainhook33.deviantart.com

I know it's fucked up, but this propaganda seduces me quite effectively. The basis being that it's okay to hate, that hatred is a natural human reaction. That love and hate are intertwined. That liberals are wrong, that we don't have to love the things that hurt us and try to destroy us. My only problem is I can't hate people based on skin color. There are white people I like, and white people I hate. There are black people I like, and black people I hate. There are Hispanics I like, and Hispanics I hate. I don't really know any Asians to apply this statement, mostly due to not spending any real time with much at all, but if I did, I'm certain it would be the same thing. Nonetheless, I'm definitely going to start attending right wing rallies and the like. Should be interesting. Perhaps I'm looking for a new family, I think this has something to do with surrounding myself with people who offer a different set of behavioral norms and values, seeing as how my previous family and social networks failed me so thoroughly. Perhaps I want to grow stronger, to gain more experience training for combat, weapons, and firearms. Perhaps I need to be loved, cared for, and supported, but since people go out of their way to guarantee those things don't happen, perhaps I'll find love in the midst of battle, solace in pain. Perhaps this could be why I stoke and antagonize the fires of another civil war. Maybe I want us to be stronger. Maybe I want us to fight. It's clear the left wants this, they've been pushing farther and further with violence since the election. The right is being more tactical, like Stalin waiting for winter. But the Right has begun to push back. I'm not just talking about the bombing of that mosque in Minneapolis or protesters blocking highways being ran over. The left started this, the left wanted this. You could've just accepted the results of the election with dignity but no. You had to beat people unconscious. We haven't forgotten about Chicago either, with the kidnapping and torture of a special needs white guy. Actions have consequences and repercussions. Soon we'll see if you've bitten off more than you can chew. And remember, when you accuse the Right of hate, or being a hate group, that you were the ones initiating violence. You were the ones gunning down Republicans at a baseball game. I say it's time we gave you what you want.

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