
Cass Ingram #conspiracy cassingram.com

Is the House of Rockefeller Responsible for the Lyme Pandemic?

It makes no sense that Lyme disease is a naturally occurring infection, at least not in the United States. Moreover, it would certainly not have been the kind of condition that could result in a pandemic, at least not on its own: not as an act of nature. It just wasn’t an issue. Never. People went outdoors all the time. There were plenty of deer, then, lots of mice and other rodents, too. Yet, no one in those prior eras got Lyme disease. There were no groups of people coming down with sudden onset joint inflammation, no pockets of children with rheumatoid arthritis: no children or adults with bull’s-eye rashes.

So, how could it after all these decades of non-existence suddenly occur and only in one or two areas, Lyme/Old Lyme, Connecticut and Long Island, New York? The only logical explanation involves bio-warfare research, conducted at New York State’s Plum Island.

In all likelihood experiments were conducted with diseased ticks on US soil, surely on the island at the minimum. The purpose was to determine if such ticks transmitted disease. Plum Island, a secretive entity which while technically listed as being under government supervision via the USDA, was, in fact, a biological warfare research center. What is most disconcerting is that the island facility rather than being a true, carefully monitored government entity was in all likelihood instead a facility of a secret government, that is the government of the rich and powerful. Who is the titular head of that government? It is none other than the arch-corrupt Rockefeller cabal in collaboration with other treacherous elements, including that other arena of corruption, the House of Rothschild.

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