
Neal Horsley #fundie christiangallery.com

[A father and US Air Force vet complains to Neal Horsley for leaving around gory "dead fetus" pamphlets that his young children eventually saw in a public bathroom.]

You know as well as I do that if your son is old enough to ask you about abortion, he is beginning to do what you say he is not capable of doing, namely, "comprehend life or death."

What you are really angry about is you having to explain to your six year old child why he lives in a nation where his daddy lets people get away with murder. What you call anger is really shame that you feel for yourself because you are having to try to find words that will allow your son to avoid having to figure out that his daddy is a man who allows little babies even younger than your son to be legally murdered every day around you. The anger you feel toward me is the spirit of murder you are collaborating with every day of the week because you do nothing with the power to arrest the legalized murder you consent to. The real tragedy is when you figure out how to explain things to your son you will end up teaching him that it's all right for him to be the kind of man who collaborates with people who make a living killing defenseless little babies.

Unless you want your son to have to grow up to be the kind of man you are now, you need to change and join us in arresting legalized abortion.

Paul Hill #fundie christiangallery.com

Although I did not fully understand the meaning of the emotions I was experience then, I understand them better now. Much of the joy I felt after shooting the abortionist, and still feel today, is the joy of having freely obeyed Christ after long being enslaved to fearful obedience to men.

I well remember (prior to the shooting) the oppressive feeling of realizing that I was not free to defend my neighbors as Christ requires. Wrath was ready to be poured out on me if I cast off the shackles of passive submission to the State. The fear of being persecuted for disobeying our tyrannical government made submitting to its yoke seem attractive. My mind and will recoiled from the high cost of acting responsibly. It required an act of the will to even consider obeying the Lord.

The inner joy and peace that have flooded my soul since I have cast off the State's tyranny makes my little cell a triumphant and newly liberated kingdom. I shutter at the thought of ever returning to the oppressive bondage currently enforced by the State.

Neal Horsley #fundie christiangallery.com

If you call yourself a person of God and refuse to help arrest faggots, you belie yourself and prove you do not belong to the God who is committed to burning faggots.

If you refuse to help arrest faggots, you really should expect to be left behind when God comes to collect His people.

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