
NoFirstDog #fundie citizensbriefingbook.change.gov

[ On a "pledge" that requires Obama to instate universal children's health insurance before he gets a dog for his girls. It's a nice sentiment, but the author's batshit ]

If you’re a Christian and believe in the Bible, you understand that God did not give souls to animals – and for good reason. No, Virginia, there is no “doggie heaven”.

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As we all sadly know, the N-a-z-i-s were NOT a kinder or gentler nation because of their love of animals.

In reality, this “love of animals” only served to lessen and decimate the intrinsic value of human life while acting as a springboard for the mass murder of millions of people.

Ghandi claimed that you can judge a society by the way it treats its animals. If this is true, Ghandi thought the N-a-z-i-s were nice people!

If you have young children in school, you should be aware that animal “rights” fanatics have infiltrated our classrooms - nationwide. They present themselves as people (vegans) concerned with the unhealthy eating habits of children. In reality, they are pushing an animal “rights” agenda to young and vulnerable children. They also gain entry using the local humane societies and animal welfare groups – brainwashing children that saving dogs and cats makes them better people – much like the N-a-z-i-s did!

Fortunately for the human race, the N-a-z-i-s didn’t have the 35 billion dollar per year pet supply industry helping them push their dangerous, inhumane and illogical animal “rights” agenda. However, today in the U.S. they do! Not to mention the help they get from Hollywood.

This season, the “save a dog or cat from a shelter” campaign is in full swing.
What better way to brainwash children than to force their parents to take them to a movie like “hotel for dogs”.

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