
Trailscout #fundie clothesfree.com

By not patronizing these places, we help cut off the money used for advertising, thence the proliferation of this sinful lifestyle. If you feel led to share the gospel there with the homosexuals, drunkards and other sinners, I will be glad to support your efforts, but most of us need to stay well away from such places, especially folks with kids.

Trailscout #fundie clothesfree.com

If we continue to patronize places like Key West, we are being hateful to the sinners there. By our silence and repeat visits, we seem to be saying that its okay to be immoral, when such places are at the very brink of destruction... Of course churches and evangelical groups could organize mission trips to places of sin in the hope of helping as many escape as possible.

Trailscout #fundie clothesfree.com

There are enough wholesome family resorts in Florida and uninhabited keys to explore that there is no reason for Christian couples to visit Key West and swinger-dominated resorts... Sodom and Gomorrah were 'fun' places too and Lot was the cosmic killjoy they loved to hate, until the day the Lord warned him off and then dropped fire and brimstone on those gay-friendly cities. I hope Key West repents before they meet a similar fate.

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