
dbootsthediva #conspiracy collegehumor.com

(While videotaping a lawn sprinkler with a very obvious rainbow in the spray.)

I'm just wondering what the heck is in our water supply -- what the heck is in our oxygen supply -- of the metallic oxide salts that creates a rainbow effect in a sprinkler.

What is oozing out of our ground that allows this type of effect to happen? Not just around our sun and our moon anymore. Everywhere we look, the visible spectrum is rainbows!

This can not be natural. We all know it wasn't something that happened twenty years ago, but now it's happening now. We as a nation have got to ask ourselves, "What the hell is going on? What is oozing out of our ground?"

[End card: WE NEED TO RAISE OUR VOICES before they take away our rights OUR CONSTITUIONAL (sic) RIGHTS to not be guinea pigs for our governments (sic) IN THEIR NEVER ENDING THRIST (sic) FOR ENERGY SOURCES]

(Note: She has a Youtube account with more crackpottery, although she seems to have wised up enough to remove the sprinkler video. Too bad the internet never forgets.)

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