
Sirius #fundie conan.com

The world-crusade. GI for all and everybody.

The human kind has to be unified too one HYPER-NATION.The GI has to become ultra-imperialistic.The Hyper-state has to be created.One nation under one God. One world under one God.One human-kind under one God.
The iron machine has to be created.(It's the mother machine).
All people has to be feeded.(nobody can starving to death.No poverty anymore).
"Beam me up".All and everybody has to be included.
All what will be produced has to come into the machine.All what the people need,has they to take out from the machine.So you don't have any money or exchange anymore.
The world-monastery has to be created.All and everybody has to live in this new futuristic monastery.The WHOLE has to be created.

We need Jesus.He is the brother,the logos of the brotherhood/sisterhood.

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