
Rabbi Yoseph Kahanov #fundie crownheights.info

Jewish anti-semitism, it sounds like a contradiction in terms; an oxymoron or a Jackie Mason joke, but sadly, there is nothing funny about it.

Jewish anti-semitism is far more sinister than we would like to believe. Western campuses are crawling with Jewish anti-semites, many of which are tenured professors. These self-haters are at the forefront of most every smear campaign against the Jewish creed and the Jewish land. They play a leading role in the campaigns to boycott and "Divest" from Israel.


Nor is their hatred, by any stretch of the imagination, the result of innocent assimilation - having casually drifted from the traditions and history of our people. On the contrary, they stake full claim to their "Roots" and use it adroitly as protective coloration.


Not all Jewish self-hatred is as bold and blatant; the syndrome is manifest in diverse form and intensity. The more subtle types, however, can be equality as dangerous. In some ways they are more destructive. Given their subtle character, they are likely to be perceived as less sinister than their blatant counterparts, but that is not necessarily the case.

Add to the growing penchant of Jewish self-hatred the array of other challenges facing us as a people - staggering Jewish illiteracy, unprecedented assimilation and intermarriage, the post Zionist mentality and the loss of Jewish values - it's hard to know who and what we really are. Our true identity is completely eclipsed by all the talk about what's wrong with us.

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