
Adrian Sol #racist dstormer6em3i4km.onion.link

[From "Bosnia: Based Kebab Removalist Drinks Poison to Protest His “War Crimes” Scam Trial"]

If removing kebab is wrong, then I don’t want to be right.

And neither did Slobodan Praljak.

The hero expressed his righteous indignation at being convicted of “crimes against humanity” merely for defending his people and cleansing his nation of the durka durka hordes. But how can you commit a crime against “humanity” for something you did to Moslems?

Will your mom also be tried at the Hague court for spraying her apartment against termites?


History repeats itself. When will humanity ever learn?

Many of our great heroes go out in the same way – their greatness unrecognized by society.

[Painting of Socrates poisoning himself]




The ICTY upheld on appeal Praljak’s conviction on charges of crimes against humanity over persecution, murders and expulsions of Bosnian Muslims from territory captured by nationalist Bosnian Croats and the brutal imprisonment of 1,000 Muslims.

In other words, he did nothing wrong.

The whole concept of “war crimes” was always a nonsensical hoax perpetrated in order to justify going after people the Jews hate. Any military action going against the Jew’s interests is a “war crime,” meanwhile anything the Jews do or benefit from is “justifiable” use of force.

If anything, removing Moslems from Europe is a boon to humanity; after all, a prosperous, safe and free Europe will do more for this planet than anything Moslems have ever done.

Rest in peace, Praljak.


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