
WarpTen #conspiracy engadget.com

That is because the entertainment/news/media industry is effectively another branch of the government. It's no coincidence that the president of Fox News, Roger Ailes, was a political advisor for the Reagan and Bush administrations before becoming the propaganda mouthpiece at Fox of the Bush 2.0 administration.

You will frequently hear strange things come from the mouths of Fox News broadcasters, things like "radiation isn't bad for you" and you know, everything Glenn Beck ever said.

Have you ever noticed how 90% of news articles are written by the AP? It doesn't matter what site you're on, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, Yahoo, it's all AP news, therefore, it's all the same message.

Who do you think comes up with these movies showing American soldiers as hero's?

Who do you think really peddles porn, violence and filth? These are outlets for government agencies, and the purpose of these programs is to destroy your sensitivity to what they're doing and will do soon.

Special Forces members under go something called "desensitization" training. This training comprises of watching porn and murder on a nonstop loop. This changes the chemistry of the brain so that killing no longer elicits an emotional response.

The CIA runs every big porn operation in America, they're the ones who push poor morals on blacks and the poor with rap music. They're the ones who create these child stars and have them act out like little sex crazed devils. They're the ones who make sure that every group that they want to destroy itself destroys itself, and they're the ones that ensure that you've been so desensitized to murder, sex, and generally depraved behavior that you won't feel so upset when they start killing and murdering your neighbors who dared to speak out.

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