
Ben Hart #conspiracy escapetyranny.com

What the heck is that long scar running up the side of Barack Obama’s noggin, up over his crown, then down the other side of his head?

No one in the media has asked (until recently, that is, after this article appeared on this blog).

The point is: We can’t see his medical records, his school records, his college records, or his birth certificate. He’s almost done with his first term, and we still know almost nothing about the background of the President of the United States.

Very strange.

Whatever happened to create that scar, it was clearly something serious.

Was it a brain operation? Has it affected his thinking? Is he really an alien from another planet, which would explain no birth certificate?

We have no proof as to where he was born, to whom, where he came from, or what his national origin is. Maybe he’s one of the androids (a replicant), like in Bladerunner, not really human at all.

Anything’s possible.

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