
Robert Byers #fundie forum.richarddawkins.net

I looked at this webpage and found it silly. Its criticisms that have been answered constantly everywhere in creation information.
Koalas? bunnys? come on. This is why creationism wins in any fight. Its smarter and knows its opponents best stuff better then the other side knows our stuff.
If the bible was wrong it shouldn't be difficult to show why with modern evidence.
Yet here I am on this forum doing fine and bringing creativity to how to discuss these matters.
I gave the pro-evolution folk here a chance to falsify creationist geology and after a effort they changed subjects. Its always this way. Someones right and someones wrong. One can tell by the conversation who is getting pressed.

Dani' El #fundie forum.richarddawkins.net

I'd like to hear you explanation of how caterpillars evolved into butterflies, just to hear you tie yourself into knots.
(Butterflies are a beautiful typification of resurrection that only a fool denies.)

[Note: for more fail read the OP]

shaheem #fundie forum.richarddawkins.net

shaheem wrote:
why is it that every creature is created in pairs?
why is it that our food is created in pairs?
what part of evolution can explain the creation of plants vs the mamals that eat them?
what part of evolution can explain how creatures got eyes and the ability to see?
what part of evolution can explain how creatures got ears and the ability to hear?
what part of evolution can explain how creatures got a nose and the ability to smell?
what part of evolution can explain how creatures got the sense of touch and the ability to feel something?
what part of evolution can explain how creatures got the sense of taste?
and what part of evolution decided that the senses above was necessary?
and if evolution was responsible for this, then maybe: are their still senses missing?

and please use critical thinking in your arguments.

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