
Tanner Rose #fundie gamemakergames.com

I have reasoning that God exists. Think of it this way; say you wanted to prove there was no gold in China. To prove this you would have to search all of China for gold. On the other hand, if you wanted to prove there WAS gold in China you would only have to find one piece of gold in China and it would be true. In the same way, this is true with God. To be athiest and prove it, you must search the entire universe for God, but to be Christian, you need only one piece of evidence. This makes it more probable that God exists, then that he doesn't exist.

Non Christian scientists admit that there is a gap of time in our world, where they believe the earth stopped circling the sun for a certain amount of time. They figured this out by mathematical equations and other things I can't understand. Anyway, it is in the Bible that time stopped when the Israelites prayed to God, so that he would stop time, so that they could continue the battle they were in, and not have to stop when night fell and be slaughtered the next day. I believe God answered that prayer. In the book of Exodus (Second in the Bible), there are some things that are predicted to happen, because of Ishmael being born. It is predicted that the middle east will never find peace. Just read a newspaper and that one is answered.

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