
gary kah #fundie garykah.org

During their years at Anderson University Gary and Audrey both attended Eastside Church of God where they were regularly challenged by the sound teaching of Pastor Dwight Dye. Following college, Gary and Audrey were married and soon moved to Indianapolis, where Gary was offered a position as Europe and Middle East Trade Specialist with the Indiana Government.

After making the move to Indianapolis, the young couple began attending The Church at the Crossing (affiliated with the Church of God, Anderson) and soon became involved as youth counselors. About that time, Gary started traveling more extensively overseas because of his job, and soon began to witness events leading us toward a world government. He learned there was a definite agenda to unite all the governments of the world under a single umbrella for the purpose of control. This emerging one-world government, he discovered, was being referred to by insiders as “The New World Order.”

Skeptical at first, he began looking into these matters for himself, only to realize that many of those at the helm of this "New Age" movement were heavily involved in the occult. The forces involved included many U.N. Officials, U.S. Government leaders, a virtual "Who's Who" of the international banking community, and a number of religious figures. Increasingly, Gary felt challenged to do something about these developments... to warn people of what lay ahead. He remembered the commitment he made to God as a young man. Was the Lord taking him up on his promise?...

After much prayer, the doors began to open in the summer of 1984, and his direction became more clear. Gary was invited to share his findings with small church groups. Soon he was asked to discuss the subject on radio talk shows. In April, 1985, ten months after beginning to speak out against world government and the New Age movement, he was issued an ultimatum by an administration superior. He was asked to keep quiet about this subject, or else resign his position. In May, after one last trip overseas to the Soviet Union and China, Gary submitted his letter of resignation.

After more than 10,000 hours of intense personal research and seven years of struggling to overcome obstacles, his perseverance finally paid off with the publication of En Route To Global Occupation. It was a team effort between Gary, his wife, and God. Although tested at times to their limits - trying to complete this project while raising a family - they never gave up. The experience strengthened their faith in Jesus Christ while teaching them to be obedient at all cost. When starting the project, Gary promised to give all the glory and honor for any forthcoming success to the Lord Jesus Christ. The same still holds true.

In 1997, Gary began working on a new project. He believed God was leading him to write a book that chronicled the past, present and future of the One-World movement by examining the lives and plans of the 20th century's top New Agers. His goal: to give Christians a full understanding of the threat posed by this occult movement. His book, The New World Religion, became a reality in 1999 and has influenced many Christians to be more discerning. It has also been instrumental in leading some New Agers to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior.

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