
David J. Stewart #god-complex #fundie giftofeternallife.blogspot.com

Bob Jones University (BJU) are claiming that God has kept His solemn promise in Psalms 12:6-7 to supernaturally PRESERVE “EVERY ONE” OF HIS INSPIRED WORDS FOREVER. And I fully agree with that statement—that God has preserved “EVERY ONE” of His inspired Words for today. But BJU horribly and utterly contradict themselves when they bid Godspeed to having MULTIPLE Bible versions! In fact, BJU uses, sells, sanctions and promotes multiple different Bible revisions, which contradict each other in thousands of places. Take a look at how corrupt the English Standard Version (ESV) is that BJU relentlessly uses, sells and promotes. How can we have “EVERY ONE” of God's preserved inspired Words today, if we have multiple Bible versions in any particular language?

For this obvious reason, I caused Bob Jones University to change their Statement of Faith on the Bible
They deceitfully removed the phrase “EVERY ONE.” Why did BJU remove those words from their Statement of Faith? The reason is obvious—because they are in error. The reason is because BJU in fact do not believe that we have EVERY WORD inspired by God today. It is gross theological incompetence and hypocrisy to claim that we have “EVERY ONE” of God's preserved inspired Words today, while supporting umpteen different English Bible revisions (which all disagree with each other in thousands of places). That is why BJU changed their Statement of Faith (which I am humbly glad to say I made them change through my unapologetic Bible preaching, to God alone be the praise and glory).

Every police detective knows that if someone is lying, all you have to do to expose them is to keep asking questions. If someone is lying, at some point they will have to CHANGE THEIR STORY. But if someone is telling THE TRUTH, you can ask them questions for months and their story will NEVER CHANGE. BJU changed their story on the Bible, to cover their theological lies! My preaching has never changed. Why has BJU's Statement of Faith changed? It is because they had to change their story to cover-up their theological lies about the Bible.

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