
Christian #fundie goodhousekeeping.com

The following quotes are excerpted from an article that appeared in Good Housekeeping on 11 January, 2017:

The homework assignment, titled $5.00 Date, required students, in this case girls, to go on a date with a male classmate. Below the assignment's description was a list of suggestions for girls from the boys, which encouraged girls to "dress appropriately," "be feminine and lady-like" and "if you think you're too fat, keep it to yourself."

The student showed her mother the assignment - all on a pink page and directed at 16/17-year-old girls:

"My 11th grade AP Honors student's homework: 'Go on a date!' with a boy. And follow his suggestions — don't correct his personal habits, don't waste his money and show him respect," she wrote. "Thanks for educating our kids, Utah Department of Education. We really appreciate your evidence-based misogyny."

This isn't completely one-sided, however. There's 6sheet for the boys as well. It icluded such time-tested $5 dinner date advice as this:

"At a restaurant, say what you're going to order so she will have a guide in ordering..."

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