
Paul Helinski #conspiracy gunsamerica.com

Remington has been a primary and constant target of the fake media. And why? Because they are one of only a handful of names in American firearms that have mattered over the past two centuries. They matter today because the Remington 700 rifle and the Remington 870 shotgun are still pillars of shooting sports and self defense, and Remington is a name that people naturally associate with positive feelings about guns and shooting. Those Remingtons are made in Illion, NY by Americans, about 3,000 of them. There is little reason to attack Remington for anything, so they had to invent one.

A portion of the Walking Dead, and there are a heck of a lot more than 12 million of them, are what many have come to refer to as “Snowflakes.” They chose the left side of the fake news paradigm, and they are far easier to manipulate than the Walking Dead on the right (the ones who think arabs took down the twin towers and that the snooping security state makes them safe, and that global warming is a hoax, but that’s for another day). Snowflakes, who are generally the most intolerant of individuals, have bought hook line and sinker that if we just learn to be tolerant of each other, the world can become a utopia of peace and love. If you are not tolerant, you need reeducation, because something inside of you is broken. We don’t need guns. They are the source of the problem.

Lockstep for the Snowflakes is all that matters. Once they are told that guns are bad, that gun companies are bad and that people who support gun rights are bad, for them it is game over. Mark Twain once said “It is easier to fool someone than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.” There is no group of people in the history of civilization that have been more fooled than the Walking Dead, and the Snowflake variety has a natural inclination, it seems, to question nothing.

CBS is one of the news outlets that have filled their ranks with a hit team of agents specifically instructed to exploit the useful idiot Snowflakes on the left, and this past Sunday, they ran a piece on 60 Minutes yet again attacking Remington. As you will see in the link to Remington’s response, and my overview, with the support docs, the attack is unfounded, and fraudulent.


Remington’s response is extremely comprehensive if you regard the list of links. As a company, they cannot speak in the frank terms that you see here, (and I included the Sandy Hook stuff so they wouldn’t link to this or ask to hire me as a consultant), but I think they really should have taken the gloves off for this one. It is time for American’s to stand up and bang on the table and say no more fake news. No more false flags. No more hoax events to promote an anti-gun or any other agenda. The news is supposed to be objective. If you want to run a story that accidental discharges happen due to human error a lot, or that there are people who show up deer hunting with a rack of beer, have at it. But there is nothing wrong with the Remington 700, and there never was.

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