
Phantasmal #fundie hackforums.net

[You get really drunk, pass out and I rob you. You chose to get really drunk so what I did is ok.]

Do you agree?

Yes, it's my fault for getting myself that drunk and passing out on the spot.

[That's fucking stupid. The thief stole from you, regardless of whether you allowed for it to happen or not.]

Ultimately, it's my fault for affording him that chance. Look, I can't be pissed off at a dog for eating a steak that I left on the ground. It's in the dog's nature, just as it is in the thief's nature to steal. Sure, the thief shouldn't steal from me. But that doesn't mean it's not also my fault for affording him that chance. Should the thief be held accountable for his actions if he is caught? Undoubtedly so. But his misconduct doesn't excuse my responsibility. And by the by, though I don't expect you to respect my opinions and beliefs. I do expect you to keep the conversation civil and decent. The moment you start insulting me over a disagreement is the moment I stop engaging with you.

[But it is not in man's general nature to steal. All criminals should be held accountable no matter what. You had no real knowledge that someone was definitely going to come and steal your stuff, or rather had no assurance]

This situation (passed out drunk and wallet taken away) could have been easily avoided if I had responsibly consumed my drink. With this being said, not only is the thief in the wrong, but I'm also in the wrong. Me more so than the thief. Pfft, I feel like I'm speaking to someone who's never had a drink before in his life.

"Boo hoo, I was irresponsible thus I suffered the consequences! Life is so unfair! Please punish the thief whom I afforded the opportunity to steal my possessions with ease!"

Sure, I'd like for him to be punished but I'm not going to freak the fuck out over it since I was the one who afforded said thief the opportunity to steal my shit. If anything it's a good reminder to be responsible with my drink.

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