
Prediction #10 Ma-tricks #conspiracy helpfreetheearth.com

The ruling families are manipulating your energy through the geometrical-mathematical Matrix. They know that all things are linked back to creational Source energy through a myriad of grid energies. They also know that everything follows the same blueprint or geometric patterns which repeat over and over in an endless dance of sound, light and color.

The manipulation of the Matrix energy grid by the ruling families is on a much larger scale than anyone can imagine. Street plans of entire cities and regions have been designed with occult symbolism and precise mathematical grids. Among the many examples is the street plan around Capitol Hill in Washington which portrays the Congress building in the belly of an owl (symbol of the Satanic God Moloch and child sacrifice) sitting at the capstone of a pyramid. In Paris, twelve street corners connect into the Sun circle at the Arc de Triomphe.

Prediction #6 - The Beast #conspiracy helpfreetheearth.com

At Barack Obama's inauguration, Aretha Franklin thrilled jubilant onlookers with her rendition of "God Save The Queen" (renamed "My Country 'Tis of Thee"). No one understood why the music of Britian's "God Save The Queen" was scheduled for the inauguration of an American President - except for Washington "insiders" like the Clintons, the Gores, the Bushes and the Quayles whose VIP seats were furnished with a dark blue fleece blanket. (see Ring Of Power, parts 4 and 5)

Another highlight of the inauguration was the arrival of Barack Obama's limousine which has been offcially named "The Beast". Anyone who is familiar with Biblical prophecy knows that "The Beast" is the Biblical term for the Antichrist and so is the number 666. The Antichrist is also called Satan and the 'Prince Of Darkness' or 'Dark (black) Prince'. The number 666 appeared in Barack Obama's campaign commercials. For his mobile and campaign text messaging, he used the numbers (62262) which adds up to 666 when the "2's" are added together.

Many youtube videos and websites are selling the belief that Barack Obama is the Antichrist or the "Prince of Darkness" found in Bible prophecy...and that's exactly what you're supposed to think! The corporate media spin doctors have been busily dropping all of the 'not so subtle' hints including naming Obama's limo "The 'Beast'. Why? Because when the real antichrist (Prince William) steps onto the world stage in 2015, the crime families want the public to accept William as the true Messiah. According to Bible prophecy, the Christ Messiah cannot return until the Antichrist rules for seven years.

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