
dalynnrmc #fundie homeschoolspot.com

I hate science. We haven't been doing it... at all. We did the creation science unit study a few months ago, and nothing since. ETA: talking about science with my oldest, ds9.

The two olders have been attending a science co-op that has been using a water 'curriculum' provided by the city, that tells about our local water supply, clean-up process, conservation, etc etc. In this co-op, they've also been doing physical science experiments.

While it's a good co-op, and cheap, and the kids enjoy it, I really don't feel like it's enough.

We've been, theoretically, doing Considering God's Creation. The notebooking materials look great, but... I really want something I can just HAND to ds9, he can read it, do the notebooking project or whatever, maybe read a library book or two on the subject, and then I don't have to mess with it any more.


I don't think CGC is going to work for us, at least not in the format that it's meant to be used in. I'd love to be able to use the student pages, though; that's right up ds's alley.

I did like the Media Angels Creation Science unit study, and I do have one now on Astronomy. I just flat don't have money to spend on more curriculum this year, especially when we technically HAVE a science curriculum already.

DS had science on his list today, and *I* am the one literally in tears over having to do it. I don't HAVE anything for science. I don't LIKE science. I don't want to DO science. Just go pull the stupid tab and LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!

Does anyone have suggestions? How about a better way to use the CGC guide? Any help is appreciated. I haven't been this upset about something regarding homeschooling in MONTHS. Ugh.

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