
Michael the Black Man #fundie honestfact.com

A few highlights from the website Honestfact.com, the website of a black Trump supporter and former Yahweh ben Yahweh cult member Michael Symonette

"The Real K K K Slave Masters Revealed, 2Thess.2:1-11 & they are CHEROKEE Indians (Hidden Babylonians). The reason GOD? YAHWEH chose TRUMP to be President is to be the White & Black Man's DELIVERER from the Babylon, like the Gentile King CYRUS, Isa.45:1-6!"

Cherokee Democrats & Cherokee Republicans Like Flake & McCain Block Trump 2Thess.2:1-5 says must be revealed and voted out of the way. Make Cherokees & the Indians Pay Taxes & Save America economically because Deut. 21:17-19 says if you harm someone you help them get back on their feet. Now their back on their feet make them pay taxes."

"Republican Senators blocking Trump are Cherokees & Mormons & are infiltraters in the Rep. Senate like McCain to block Trump & Muller are coming down with Great Wrath because their wicked time to block good policy is short, Rev.12:10 & Dan.8:25!

Proof that tho ur mixed with these Racist Cherokees ur not them because ur Taxed & Regulated etc. & they're not, they hate black & white people perpetually Eze.35:5 & Gen.36:1-5!"

"Gentiles & Blacks were in America 1st. before Cherokees & we don't owe them Reparations & even if so u only here help them until back on their feet Deut.21:17-18 & Rev.1lania Trump. Slavs hate Slovians!"

"Slavs are Canaanites & are not Slavic/Slovenian Gentiles like our wonderful 1st lady Malania Trump. Slavs hate Slovians!"

"Republican Senators who're against Trump's HealthCare Policy & all of his Policies are Mormon Cherokee's. They are the Racist that believe White Gentiles & Black Republicans are Idiots & are not worthy to Rule"

"Black & White Americans are the Real HEBREWS, (Hos.4:6), Owned America & were in the Americas before THE CHEROKEE INDIANS!CHEROKEES took the Americas by Violence but now Claim Reparations from our Taxes for America they took from Us."

"Well Cherokees are healed for long enough now & must now pay TAXES & not get special Rights over us. This will HEAL America's Debt & all problems. Cherokees are DRUNK with the Blood (Tax Dollars) of the White & Black Man. No Conquering people ever paid Taxes to a People they Conquered while somehow we're paying Taxes to them. Keeping us so Poor & Regulated we Abort our Kids (fearing Child Support) while giving Cherokees $20,000 a month for Life per Child WOW! TRUMP stop unfair Business Competition"

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