
Joe Stirling #conspiracy joestirling.com

The Masons have made it absolutely clear that they will continue with their persecution. This is proof that Freemasonry has no control over it's own members. So I will continue to fight back and expose Freekmasonry. I also need you to know that not one person of any credibilty has come forward to defend this criminal organisation. I also need you to know that I have no intetion of attempting suicide ever again, it's a foolish thing to do. It's a bad result for my family and mankind and another great result for Freekmasonry. This is what they do to their victims, it's called "The Silent Dagger". They keep pushing in their psychological dagger until you do the business for them. Only the victim and the Masonic perpatrators know what is happening. Read Martin Short's book "Inside the Brotherhood"

I also need you to know that I'm sitting here with a mountain of evidence to bring this organisation down. It has to be presented in a transparent, filmed, live, independent situation. Kept well away from any Masonic infiltration. They will try to destroy or dilute any victims stories. It is definitely a criminal network and they control what you see, hear or read.

The good news is that their pirate ship is sinking fast. Modern technology is as good for us as it is for them. There is a lot of Masonic disinformation agents and pretend victims out there. I will introduce you to the genuine truthseekers online.

You can read much more in the forums at www.davidicke.com

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