
Juanita #fundie keepersisters.proboards66.com

Hey! My name is Juanita. I am a preacher's wife ;D. My husband preaches in nursing homes, in our church, and whenever he gets a chance to. We are a part of a local Independent Fundamental Baptist Church with the best Pastor & Pastor's wife anyone could have. Our pastor's wife has been teaching on Titus 2 for the last year & a half in our ladies meetings. How much I have learned! She is a lot younger than me, but I have never seen a better example of a submissive, Titus 2, Proverbs 31 women.

I am a stay at home, home school mom of one (13 year old daughter). I love it! :D Before I got saved, I could never imagine myself where I am now. I was a religious church goer ???. I had no character & no standard about me. I was one person at church and another person at home. My husband and I had to make all decisions together & I was not a very submissive person. I would speak my mind till I got my way. I am so glad the Lord saved me & changed me ;D. And now I am trying my best to be the submissive wife the Lord wants me to be, so that my husband can be the best Preacher he can be. And Lord willing one day, be a great Pastor of a local church.

I also love to cook, sew, read, & learn new things. I've alway wanted to learn how to needle point & knit. Maybe someone could teach me.

There is a wonderful book called "Created to be his help meet" by Debbie Pearl. It is the best book I have read about women, wife hood, & motherhood. It goes over Titus 2 & Proverbs 31 in detail. You can go to www.nogreaterjoy.org.

I am hoping to meet women of
"Like precious faith".
In which we can make each other stronger, Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. Proverbs 27:17. Encourage each other in the faith & right living. As the song goes, If the stars fall, do right!! I hope to be a blessing here.

A Sister in Christ,


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