
Kent Hovind #fundie kenthovindblog.com

New Testament writer, Peter was s-o-o-o-o-o right when he warned us that scoffers would come in the last days who were “willingly ignorant” of the creation, (see Creation Seminar Parts 1 and 2) the flood, (see Creation Seminar Part 6) and the coming judgment (2 Peter 3:3-9).

The very idea that humans, or any living creatures for that matter, have “junk DNA” comes from the faulty starting point many modern biologists use. They are generally trained to believe the ridiculous evolution theory that says man is a result of a long upward climb from single celled creatures and is only here due a random arrangement of molecules. We are just “lucky mud” according to the evolution theory. Given that starting point in their thinking, it’s no wonder they think we have “junk DNA.”

Kent Hovind #fundie kenthovindblog.com

To look at the really big picture, I think it is funny to listen to an evolutionists ask a creationist, “How could all the dogs in the world come from just two dogs on Noah’s ark?” and then turn around and teach that all the dogs in the world came from a rock! Over billions of years of course! (Or quickly if you are from Harvard!) On page 31 of The Ancestor’s Tale, Dawkins says, “It is entirely probable that cattle, pigs horses, sheep, goats, chickens, geese, ducks, and camels followed a course which was just as fast and just as rich in unexpected side-effects.”

Keep in mind that the changes needed to turn a wolf, fox, or jackal into a dog are minor compared to turning a rock into a dog or even an amoeba into a dog. I’m even willing to let them have the huge head start of not dealing with the major problem of the origin of life issue and letting them start with a hamster (already a mammal, air-breathing, and land-dwelling) and see if they can turn it into a dog.

Kent Hovind #fundie kenthovindblog.com

1.Cosmic evolution: the origin of time/space/matter from nothing in the supposed “Big Bang”
2.Chemical evolution: all the elements “evolved” from hydrogen
3.Stellar evolution: stars formed from dust clouds
4.Organic evolution: life formed from non-living matter
5.Macro-evolution: plants and animals produce offspring different than their ‘kind’
6.Micro-evolution: variations develop within the kind such as big dogs and little dogs; bacteria becoming resistant to drugs; etc.


I would love to see Bill’s (or anyone else’s) best evidences for any of the first five definitions of evolution. Looks to me like anyone with one eye and half a brain can see that “God created the Heaven and the earth.”

BTW, world events s-u-u-u-r-e make ya think we are getting close to the end just as the Bible predicted. Meanwhile — WIN SOULS!

Kent Hovind #fundie kenthovindblog.com

It was the belief in creation and design in nature that was the driving force behind the founding and advancement of EVERY branch of science over the last 400 years. It is the religion of evolution that is the obstacle today. DESIGN is the fundamental idea in all of science—NOT evolution! The evolution theory has done nothing in the advancement of science. Revelation 12:9 says Satan “deceiveth the whole world.” You have been deceived, Bill. Open your eyes before it is t-o-o-o-o-o late!

Kent Hovind #fundie kenthovindblog.com

(in response to Bill Nye pleading with parents to properly educate their children)

I agree! Parents need to “properly educate their children.” This would include teaching them the truth about evolution in order to prepare them to face the zealots who peddle their evolution religion under the guise of science. Part Four of The Creation Seminar entitled, “Lies in the Textbooks,” and my books: Help! I’m Being Taught Evolution in my Earth Science Class!, and, Help! I’m Being Taught Evolution in my Biology Class! would be a great start for curriculum!

Kent Hovind #fundie kenthovindblog.com

The adjectives used by some to describe Bill Nye include bright and energetic. History records lots of people who were “bright” and “energetic” but were WRONG. Hmmm? Let’s see: Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, Voltaire, Osama bin Laden to name a FEW who were zealous for the wrong cause. Let’s remember that “bright and energetic” does NOT = right!

Kent Hovind #fundie kenthovindblog.com

Beer is often sold at football games. Beer has NOTHING to do with football and beer does NOT ever produce better athletes by frequent association with football. It is true that the evolution religion is unfortunately often mixed with science books, but it will never become science by virtue of frequent association with real science. Evolution needs to be taught in a RELIGION class at school or maybe an “ancient mythology” class, but NOT in a SCIENCE class.

Kent Hovind #fundie kenthovindblog.com

All through history there have been FALSE notions that hindered or damaged scientific advancement. For instance, the geocentric theory made it very hard to advance astronomy. Today, evolution is one of the greatest hindrances to the advancement of science. See the video “Expelled” with Ben Stein for many examples.

Kent Hovind #fundie kenthovindblog.com

I don’t know that I could prove from scripture if insects are “alive” in the biblical classification of things or not. Since God told Noah to bring two of all living things into the ark “in whose nostrils was the breath of life” (Genesis 7:22) and insects don’t have nostrils, maybe they can be considered a “self-replicating, complex food source.” Possibly fish fit into the same category.

Kent Hovind #fundie kenthovindblog.com

Open letter to House speaker John Boehner and all US Congressmen,

HOLD FIRM! NO TAX INCREASE FOR ANYONE! NO increase in the Debt ceiling! The government needs more money “from the rich” like a drug addict needs “one more fix” before he decides to quit or an alcoholic needs “one more beer” before he starts to sober up! STOP RIGHT NOW!

It should be obvious to anyone with one eye and half a brain that the REAL goal in all this political posturing by Barak Obama and many Democrats is simply the advancement of Communism in America. I don’t understand how ANYONE- Republican, Democratic or Independent can want to increase “revenues” even one more dime! There is a spending problem not a revenue problem but it goes even deeper than that!

The entire idea of “take from the rich and ‘redistribute’ to the poor” is pure Communism 101. Go to ANY communist country to see how they got there and the end result. They always follow Karl Marx’s thinking and the idea that you take two steps forward and one step back. Everyone thinks they backed up but they are actually one step closer to the goal! That is all Barak is doing. Don’t “compromise” ONE INCH!

Everyone in Congress, the Senate and the Executive branch (and judicial branch!) took an oath to follow and defend the U. S. Constitution. I would suggest they ALL get it off the shelf, dust it off and read it. It’s only a few pages long. It gives the clear limits of government. I can solve the financial crisis in 10 minutes! Follow the Constitution! Why are “The Feds” involved in: education? a war on drugs? foreign wars that don’t involve us? welfare of any kind? medical decisions of any kind?

You should follow the Constitution and “coin money” and shut down the mis-named “Federal Reserve” and put us on a real money basis. Why do you let private bankers print our “money?” Shut down about 95% of all government programs and lay off about 95% of the government workers and release all federal prisoners who did commit a crime on federal property like Post Offices and Military bases and scale the Fed WAY back to what the founders envisioned. Stop calling ANYTHING an “entitlement.” There are NO entitlements. No one is “entitled” to welfare, Social Security, Obama Care, Medicare, education or 1,000 other programs at the federal level. If ANY program cannot be found in the Constitution you swore to uphold, shut it down. Stop funding it! That is your job. That would “balance the budget” in 10 minutes!

There you have it. Everyone else seems to be giving their ideas on the fiscal cliff so I’d throw in my 2 cent’s worth. We went over the cliff MANY years ago. The ONLY solution to America’s SERIOUS problems is found in II Chronicles 7:14. Our problem is spiritual and the solution is spiritual not political. We need to return to our godly heritage. God would have spared Sodom if He could have found 10 righteous people. Are there 10 in Congress? The Senate? In the Executive branch? Judicial? I pray so!

The founders knew that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. They also knew the power to tax is the power to destroy. They gave CLEAR instructions in the Constitution about taxes and what the federal government could and could not do. Go to www.wallbuilders.com and read what the founders said. They gave great advice for times like these!

Speaker Boehner, you folks in Congress are supposed to control the purse strings. Well, DO YOUR JOB PLEASE! Don’t vote for ANY spending outside the limits of the very document you swore to uphold. If the president wants to go over the cliff, let him. DON’T have your fingerprints ANYPLACE ON IT PLEASE! We need Statesmen NOT politicians! Ignore the polls, the Senate, the media, the critics and follow the Constitution please. For all of us!

Kent Hovind – POW in America

Kent Hovind #fundie kenthovindblog.com

About a week before Christmas as a man walked down the street, he noticed a sign in a store window that said, “Merry Xmas!” Being an algebra teacher, he walked in, found the store owner and said, “Excuse me, sir. Is there some sort of prize for the one who can solve the equation?”

With knitted eyebrows, the owner gave the teacher a puzzled look and asked, “What equation are you talking about, sir?”

The teacher replied, “Why, the one in 12-inch letters in your front window.”

The store owner looked at the window like a calf lookin’ at a new gate.

The teacher continued, “Your sign says, ‘Merry Xmas.’ I teach algebra. I can solve the X for you. It’s Jesus! Andrew told his brother Peter about Jesus when he said, ‘We have found the Messiah which is, being interpreted, the Christ.’ It’s pretty simple, sir. Jesus Christ is what is missing on your window. Is He missing from your heart, too?”

Eyes wide open, the store keeper looked like he had seen a ghost. Finally, he lowered his head and softly said, “Yes, I’m afraid he is. I wish I could find him.”

The teacher reached in his pocket and pulled out a New Testament. In a matter of minutes the algebra teacher led the man to Jesus.

The store owner said, “I think I’ll get some soap and water and fix that sign right now! Thanks for helping me find the answer to the equation. It is easy to solve now that I think about it. Jesus has been missing from my life for a long time. Thanks for stopping.”

How about you? Is Jesus missing from your life? Is He missing from the life of someone in your family or your neighbor? Have you led ANYONE to Jesus this year? We are about out-a-year, ya know. Let’s find somebody soon. If ya can’t get a big one, then get a little one. Somebody is HOPING that somebody will care enough to tell them.

Psalm 142:4 “I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul.”

Merry CHRISTmas!

Kent Hovind #fundie kenthovindblog.com

“Evolution deniers?” Do ya see any prejudice in THAT statement? Before we can decide if we “deny” evolution, we need to understand the terms. Bill [Nye] needs to define the word evolution first in order for folks to know if they want to “deny” it or not! I have been through this important define-the-terms step in all 100 debates I did with evolutionists at various universities as well as thousands of Q&A sessions. I encourage students and teachers everywhere to carefully define the word evolution BEFORE they enter into a discussion on evolution, so everyone knows what they are discussing. It is futile to proceed until the terms are defined. The problem (intentional?) is that the word “evolution” actually has six meanings or levels or stages:

Cosmic evolution: the origin of time/space/matter from nothing in the supposed “Big Bang”
Chemical evolution: all the elements “evolved” from hydrogen
Stellar evolution: stars formed from dust clouds
Organic evolution: life formed from non-living matter
Macro-evolution: plants and animals produce offspring different than their ‘kind’
Micro-evolution: variations develop within the kind such as big dogs and little dogs; bacteria becoming resistant to drugs; etc.

Only ONE of these definitions for evolution is true SCIENCE—Number 6. The first five are part of a RELIGION that adherents must “believe” in since they have NEVER been observed or demonstrated. Bill is guilty of mixing these definitions indiscriminately. He (along with many science books) sees and shows lots of evidence for definition #6 with which I agree, but then ASSUMES that this is evidence for the first five. That is NOT good science, Bill! The variations we all observe and that every farmer on planet earth understands and uses does NOT offer ANY evidence for the first five definitions of evolution.

Of course, Bill is welcome to BELIEVE the first five definitions, but he should be honest and stop trying to deceive people into thinking they are also part of science. Only #6, micro-evolution can be observed and demonstrated, the criteria for provable science. Creationists do NOT “deny” that there is evidence for evolution definition #6, but we DO deny there is any “scientific” evidence for the first five. Bill should plainly and honestly admit his use of the word evolution is religious. He is free to promulgate his religious views on his own dime, but he should not be allowed to use tax payer money to teach his mixed definitions of evolution as science in tax funded programs. Bill is the one who is “damaging children” and “harming the scientific process” when he confuses the terms and evidence!

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