
Mariah Walton's parents and Lee Heider #fundie ktvb.com

Mariah Walton grew up struggling for every breath. Now 20, she awaits a heart and lung transplant, in part because of a congenital heart defect she said could have been fixed — if her parents had only taken her to a doctor.

Her parents refused to seek medical care because they believed she could be healed through prayer.
Now Walton believes it's time for her parents and people like them to take responsibility for endangering lives.

"I think it's time to prosecute them," she said.

Walton is supporting legislation in Idaho that would require medical treatment for children in imminent danger of dying.

Some Idaho lawmakers have expressed concern over the proposal, saying it violates parental rights.

"You know, it's a First Amendment right, the freedom of religion," said Idaho state Sen. Lee Heider.

Currently, state law protects parents from prosecution if their faith prohibits them from seeking medical care. The law shields parents even if their child dies from a treatable illness.

Walton's mother told NBC News that she did pursue natural medicine for her daughter. She also said she didn't realize how sick Mariah was when she used to gather the family to pray for her.

The proposal has yet to be scheduled for a hearing.

Nampa Walgreens pharmacist #fundie ktvb.com

NAMPA -- A new Idaho law enacted in 2010 is designed to protect medical professionals by allowing them to refuse health care services that conflict with their religious, moral or ethical principles.

But Planned Parenthood says a Nampa pharmacist acted in the wrong and was not protected by the law when she refused to fill a prescription. [...]

The prescription at the center of this is methergine. It’s used to prevent bleeding after childbirth or after an abortion.

In November, a Planned Parenthood nurse called this Nampa Walgreen's for a methergine prescription.

According to Planned Parenthood, the Walgreen's pharmacist asked if their patient had an abortion.

The nurse says she cited federal patient privacy laws and refused to answer.

"The pharmacist said, 'Well, if you're not going to tell me that and she had an abortion, I'm not going to fill this prescription.' And then our practitioner said, 'Why don't you tell me another pharmacy that I can call or another pharmacist that can dispense this medication for my patient?' And the pharmacist hung up on her," said Kristen Glundberg-Prosser of the Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest.

Planned Parenthood called the pharmacist's actions dangerous.

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