
Sunshine Mary #fundie laidnyc.wordpress.com

[As a comment on a blog post about how feminism is destructive to women]

Who are the traditional class being eroded? Nice looking pleasant fertile young women who are finding men much less willing to give them the level of commitment they should get, because there’s so much free sex going around. Their incentive to hold out for sex is gone. Put out or the only guy who will commit to you is a pussy-whipped chump. If you want to start having kids in your most fertile years you are considered weird and probably Mormon.

Thank you for saying this. Not everyone agree that there have been any females who have suffered under feminism, but these girls have. Average looking girls who try to keep themselves feminine-looking but aren’t super hot, who don’t want to be sluts, who are interested in family formation, have suffered – not as badly as men have suffered, of course, but still.

laidnyc #fundie laidnyc.wordpress.com

Limp-Wristed Cat Lovers, Beautiful Dog Lovers

Most everyone is either a cat person or a dog person.

You don’t have to hate one to like the other, but most people do.

I love dogs.

I hate cats.

That is the natural order for men.

Dogs are loyal, obedient, and affectionate.

Masculine men love these qualities in our companions, and they are qualities we want in our women as well.

Cats are selfish, independent, and alpha.

Masculine men hate these qualities in our companions. This is because masculine men are the owners, not the owned.

95% of men who love cats are either gay or have sub fantasies*. If you like cats, you like not being in control.

I stated this theory on twitter and I was very satisfied with it.

Rivelino then expanded on the theory, stating that more feminine women must like cats the most then.

This was a very logical extrapolation of my theory, but it didn’t match up to my experience at all.

The most feminine girls I’ve known have been dog lovers across the board, most have expressed a sincere dislike of cats.

Likewise, it is the masculine, ugly, old, short-haired, barren feminists who end up being cat ladies.

Shit, was my theory wrong, then?

I really don’t think so.

The reason is feminine girls love dogs for very different reasons than men do. While men love the loyalty and obedience, girls are much more likely to coo over a dogs unconditional love, furry cuddles, and “look how cute he looks when he does that thing with his paw” type stuff.

Feminine girls love their dogs but they don’t enjoy training them, letting them run in an open field and feeling pride when the dog comes right back when called, punishing them when necessary, etc.

Put another way: Psychologically, feminine girls don’t OWN their dogs, they see them as equals to be loved.

Most of the feminine dog lovers I know already have strong male dominance types in their life, be it a strong father, boyfriend, or husband, and they just like the dog as another source of love.

Ugly masculine girls, on the other hand, cannot find a male to dominate them in their social life because they lack the beauty. Since being dominated by a strong independent entity who doesn’t need her is so important to a woman, she must seek out that domination. Ugly girls find this in either a career, feminism, cats, or some combination of the three.

So in THEORY, beautiful feminine girls should like cats more, but cats are superfluous when you have a man to obey.

*There are a small percentage of straight alpha seducers that like to own cats. The reason is they love dominating an already dominant living thing. They like to stare down and dominate their cats just because they can.

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