
michaelsuede #fundie libertariannews.org

Punishing someone that hasn’t hurt anyone or damaged anyone else’s property by their actions is wrong.

The State does far more damage to the public through the outlawing of literally harmless actions than it prevents in potential damages and lives lost. We must consider that the money taken from a DUI offender may have been used to purchase medication, healthcare, or any other number of life saving or extending goods or services.

When calculating how effective DUI laws actually are, one must consider ONLY THE MARGINAL DECREASE in drunk driving that occurs by having the law in place – this number is relatively small. Most people who drive drunk think they are OK to drive and will not get caught, thus the law itself does nothing to deter them from driving at the time they make the decision to get behind the wheel.

The public must be treated as adults and be given the adult responsibility to decide on their own if they are capable of driving without hurting themselves or anyone else. The State should not play the role of the nanny looter.

At a cost of 20 billion dollars a year, society can not afford to enforce yet another victimless law.

Crimes must have victims to be just.

DUI laws combined with the “war on drugs” are pissing 10% of the value of the entire M1 money supply down the gutter every year for the prevention of 400 deaths.

This is like invading two countries every year.

The combined annual cost of the war in Afghanistan AND the war in Iraq is 140 billion a year. We spend around that much enforcing DUI and drug laws.

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