
Ashley Rae Goldenberg #fundie libertywithoutapologies.com

Despite being a public school, I chose to attend George Mason University because of its phenomenal economics program. Before I came to Mason, I was vaguely aware of its demographics. I knew the school prided itself on diversity, which is generally a code word for political correctness. However, George Mason University does more than attempt to be politically correct: George Mason University uses tax-payer dollars to propagate Islam.

The center of George Mason University is the Johnson Center. The Johnson Center contains the main food court, academic offices, and meeting rooms. On the first floor of the Johnson Center, there is one set of bathrooms which include Islamic footbaths. There is absolutely no denying that the Islamic footbaths are for religious purposes. They are for the expressed purpose of Muslim ritual. The university does not even attempt to hide this fact. Right there, this is a blatant violation of tax-payer money being used to promote one religion.


Edit, 7:05 PM: Since publishing this post, I have remembered that my school has a Muslim basketball team. Flyers were distributed, and I took a photograph of one of them. I am currently trying to locate the photo. There are also dining services on campus that are Halal.

Ashley Rae Goldenberg #fundie libertywithoutapologies.com

Recently, I became aware that Philadelphia enacted a piece of legislation which mandates that all public buildings must include a restroom catering to transgenders in addition to the traditional male and female restrooms. Strangely enough, some libertarians have defended this project as a move towards equality.


There are quite a few people–particularly on the internet–who feel as if they are animals. Quite a number of these individuals say that they are actually cats. Should the government be mandated to place litter-boxes everywhere in order to accommodate these individuals since they would feel oh-so persecuted to have to use a regular restroom? As well, the textbook psychology example of delusion happens to be people who truly believe they are Napoleon. These people are adamant that they are Napoleon. Should the government be mandated to build everyone who thinks they’re Napoleon their very own Versailles and act as France in order to treat their dysphoria? Of course not. It would be laughable for the government to be required to appeal to these segments of the population; yet, taking “equality” to the extreme, the government must provide for these people, or else the government is “depriving equal access” to the group and “not treating them equal to everyone else.”

Everyone (read: everyone) knows that “male” and “restrooms” refer to a person’s genitalia. It’s just merely less obscene for facilities to say “women” and “men” versus “vagina” and “penis.” There is no need to change how things work just because a very tiny percentage of the population might potentially feel uncomfortable. Certainly, there is no need to have tax-payers foot the exorbitant bill for something as irrelevant and inconsequential as additional bathrooms for people who may never even use them. In fact, the construction of these restrooms has huge potential for exorbitant abuse of tax-payer money.

Since the transgender restrooms are going to be installed under the banner of “equality” and “human rights”, the government will not shy away from going all out in order to fund it. No politician wants to be known as that person who said “no” to funding something as great as equality, of course—especially when the town said it has an agenda of catering to the gay community!

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