
julianpenrod #conspiracy m.popsci.com

The climate of the planet is changing and due to man made influences, but it is chemtrails, the program of doping the earth's atmosphere with weather control chemicals from high flying jets, not fossil fuels, that caused it.

Chemtrailing began around 1950, when jets started to be used widely worldwide. At that time, the number of tornadoes in the U.S. ceased being a constant 180 or so per year and started increasing so they are seven times that many or more every year now. Around 1950 is when the first new cloud species at that time was observed, the cirrus intortus.

Many if not most who oppose chemtrails believe they began around 1997, because that's when they started to be seen in the sky in great numbers, long, non dissipating vapor trails, stretching from horizon to horizon and lasting for up to an hour of more. In fact, they didn't begin then, that's when the air became so saturated with chemical that any new contributions simply precipitated out.
Since 1997, most manifestations associated with climate change have been recorded. Including the warmest year on record; the largest year to year drop in Arctic sea ice; the rapid melting of glaciers; the National Weather Service having to recalculate wind chill to accommodate the air having more heat than it used to; tornadoes occurring where they were once unknown, like Brooklyn; the worst hurricane season on record; the Northwest Passage being open for the first time in history; the disappearance of bees; the arrival of unprecedented hundred mile per hour straight line wind storms called “super derechos”; the development of the first new cloud species to be recognized since the 1950's, the undulatus asperatus.

But many promoting the idea of climate change are as craven as those opposing it. They won't admit that chemtrails are altering the climate. Because they have a vested interest in seeing technology based on the idea of getting rid of fossil fuels flourish, such as windmills and solar farms, even though they can do at least as much damage to the environment as fossil fuels.

Windmills, for example, take the energy from moving air. But, when energy is taken from moving air, there is less moving and less swiftly. And this is crucial. Wind helps distribute dust and disperse seeds, and it's essential to the dissipating of temperature. Solar farms, with their huge reflecting surfaces, will heat dust in the air unnaturally, can destroy cloud cover, and can produce an abnormal temperature variation between air and ground.

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