
MasterAmazon #fundie masteramazon.blogspot.com

I like all kinds of Dykes, every kind—well, I do have my preferences, but at least I know another Dyke(whose out loud and proud) will completely understand my sexuality in a way a bisexual woman cannot. She will always be holding back on some level, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. If she is also sexual with men, I don’t want whatever beautiful Lesbian energy I share with her or put into her, to then go directly to men, or for her to talk about our most intimate experiences with some dude..then I feel psychically ripped off. I’ve had my share of bisexual women, and even though all the sexacts may be the same, the magic of those acts are not—cuz only another Dyke ‘gets’ me. She is willing to be in the trenches with me when push comes to shove. She’s not likely to flirt with a dude, or give a dude energy. A bisexual woman very likely would. Another Dyke knows what daily Dyke oppression is like, from hetero males, to straight women who fear us—a bisexual walks between the two worlds. She can marry her man, while still fucking women—.for the most part, with few exceptions and few states, and some countries, we cannot, or even if we do, our marriages won’t be well recognized and heap us with the privileges heteros and even bisexuals take for granted. Also, she can go back into the hetero world with all it’s privileges and be legitimate, or seen as legitimate and keep her bisexuality on the ‘downlow’. Less than. Second fiddle. Us Dykes don’t have that luxury, no matter which corner of the Dyke communities we come from . We’re still pariahs. She can bail and go back to hetero privilege by taking up with a man, or even single expressing desire for a dude, when the going gets rough.

MasterAmazon #fundie masteramazon.blogspot.com

The bottom line is male dominated religions are at the very source of Female oppression. The veils, the bodily shaming, the shame around our menses which was OUR MOST POWERFUL TIME PSYCHICALLY where womyn by choice bonded together spiritually in menstrual huts...took a time out 3-5 days a month to spiritually and psychically bond and connect with Mother Earth and guide their tribes with their dreams and visions at this time was turned around to be a time of shaming and uncleanness starting with Orthodox Judaism where she couldn't even touch her husband and had to bathe in the mikveh...but the same with Native religions if a woman was bleeding she wasn't to be around men for fear of "dulling their spears"...i bet..so powerful was Female Magic during our bloods that ALL of the patriarchal religions attempt to contain that physical, spiritual and psychic Female Yoni Power by making it something nasty and dirty and not to be spoken of.

The same when a womon holds her Wise Blood inside and becomes a Crone. Crones were even more feared..Once the Tribal Elders and Wise womyn and healers were turned into useless and villainous older women who were hunted down in the Witch craze during the Dark/Middle Ages....destroying the wisdom and last remnants of our matriarchal societies and Knowing to a deep seated fear many womyn have at truly accessing our Power at the deepest of levels. You have Patriarchal mind numbing soul and spirit stifling religions to thank for that....much less the 80 million females a year who undergo Female Genital Mutilation in the name of male dominated religion.

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