
Jeff Berwick #conspiracy maxkeiser.com

Was Antonin Scalia Removed by the Ruling Elite for Fighting Their Agenda?

Many still believe what they are told on their television programming. If it’s on “the news” then it’s a fact, not something to be thought about or investigated further, they think.

The recent death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is probably just another case like it. “He died in his sleep,” said the news. Case closed.

But could there have been more to the story? Certainly it seems so.

My interest in this was piqued by a chance event. I had been gathering a number of articles over the last two months to make what I expect to be another viral video— this time focusing on the Super Shemitah, also known as the Jubilee year, that began in September of 2015 and ends in October, 2016.

Going through some of the documents, I came across this article.

“That’s interesting,” I thought— one of the people who was warning of the things I am warning about just died.

Of course, Scalia was 79, overweight and a smoker— it could have just been what they said it was: Death by natural causes.

But, Scalia’s death was first announced as a heart attack: then those who discovered the body said he had a pillow over his head. Then later, in a clarification, they claimed the pillow rested against the headboard of the bed as well as his head.

Then we found out the owner of the resort where Scalia died told the Sheriff that he had no authority over the case. And then we find out that the people he was with are members of a secret society called the International Order of St. Hubertus, an Austrian society that dates back to the 1600s.

More strange occurrences— the Justice of the Peace decided not to go in person but to declare him dead over the phone and decided no autopsy was necessary.

And strangest of all is yet another Family Guy episode seeming to predict Scalia’s death back in 2006! Family Guy has eerily predicted events such as the Boston Marathon bombing hoax.

So, there are a number of unusual circumstances surrounding the death of a person who holds one of the most important positions in the US— a position that is only replaceable upon death.

Scalia was a main impediment to the globalist agenda being rammed through the US. One of the goals is to disarm the public. Until Scalia’s demise, it looked as if a significant advance regarding gun control under the Obama administration was dead. Now the possibility is alive again.

The American people, for the most part, don’t want gun control. In fact, some years ago, Democrats stopped trying to make gun control an issue. It was clear even during the Bush years that the nation was not pro gun-control and that as an election issue, it was poison.

As a result, a silence settled over the issue. The silence was broken to a degree by His Barackness, especially in his second term. But no advances of substance were made.

Late in Obama’s second term the nation began to be afflicted by horrendous shootings, especially of children— and many were very obviously orchestrated by the shadow government. But, even with all this going on, and most Amerikans believing the propaganda, there still was not sufficient support for major gun control.

As a result of all this push-back, the backers of gun control were no better off than they had been before the shootings. If one uses this line of reasoning, we soon arrive at Antonin Scalia and his suspicious death.

Perhaps those in the US who want gun control were reluctant to murder Scalia but finally saw no choice. Or perhaps just as feasibly, those who want gun control in the US decided that the overt murder of Scalia was the best way to make clear to opponents that gun control was going to take place no matter what.

And it seems to have worked. As of this writing, GOP unity has begun to waver regarding the idea of blocking any Supreme Court nominee without a hearing.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley is making undecided noises. “I would wait until the nominee is made before I would make any decision,” Mr. Grassley was quoted as saying on Tuesday. “In other words, take it a step at a time.”

And he added, “I think I have a responsibility to perform, and I can’t worry about the election. I’ve got to do my job as a senator, whatever it is. And there will be a lot of tough votes between now and the next election.”

The White House said Obama will nominate a Supreme Court candidate once the Senate returns from its recess. Speculation is that Obama will select a “consensus candidate” that will not seem to be tilting either left or right. But why would Obama select a Supreme Court Justice that would be anti-gun control when his allies have gone out of the way – or so it seems – to remove the man who stood in the way of expansive gun legislation?

But it likely goes beyond gun control. Scalia was incredibly high profile and was warning people that it will only be a “matter of time” before Americans would begin to be locked up in FEMA style camps— That kind of honesty can not be allowed under the current totalitarian regime backed by the globalists.

Sure, it could have just been a death of natural causes. And we are open to that. But, the more that people like Scalia keep dying while this rancid demonic scumbag still walks the Earth, the more we continue to wonder.

There is a big game being played. Far bigger than most people can even understand. And the bad guys have no problem taking out anyone who stands in their way.

Was Scalia another example? We’ll likely never know. But it would not surprise us in the least.

We’ll keep following stories like this on our blog and also in our TDV newsletter where we go into considerable depths about important issues and their resolutions. In some cases, we can provide profitable money-making opportunities. I’d urge you to give it a try HERE. Thousands have subscribed in the past months to take advantage of our Shemitah analysis. Our Jubilee analysis will surely be just as timely and wealth producing.

Danny Cunnington #conspiracy maxkeiser.com

It’s more than just oil companies it’s the holders of power. Ultimately central control is food and energy. The nature of the devices mean that once they became widespread no one person or group can dictate conditions. The units are non consumable but they produce a consumable product which currently people have to constantly buy at a high price. This is the money pump of the whole system.

No one can hold power if they have no control. A nation of people who have abundant free or nearly free energy cannot be coerced or threatened by rent seeking parasites. The only way to hold power is to do so with the consent of the governed. No one government can ban it because it would be economic suicide as they would be hopelessly uncompetitive against nations that allowed it. It’s pretty tough to build a case for war or regime change citing the evils of clean non polluting abundance and universal freedom.

Free or alternative energy has been suppressed for a century. In 1900 engineers found that they could increase power on aero engines by mixing in water and overcome the problems of a lack of oxygen at high altitudes. It simply wasn’t allowed. Tesla developed wireless free energy 1920. Magnet perpetual motors in several different form came out in the 1930s along with engines running on purer water. The Hindenburg Zeppelin disaster was a staged event to demonise hydrogen before people could figure how it could be used.

All establishment scientists claim it’s impossible but that’s because of the education they received which has long been controlled. None of the designers are actually mainstream scientists but various inventors. Thus the scientists are gatekeepers because they would lose all credibility and be fired when one of these developments gets out.

The Japanese have had their water car for about 20 years. The South Koreans developed theirs in the last few years. The world’s biggest death squad NATO are at hand and the elite also have nuclear weapons and cyber viruses that can cause nuclear power stations to go into meltdown and cause a disaster. (Stuxnet).

That’s why nobody can do this publicly. The situation is a massive problem for the NWO elite. Once this gets out they are finished because you can’t base your power on an artificial scarcity of energy for a century in the face of a virtual limitless supply of abundant free energy that everybody knows about and individuals can produce this independently.

In the past they murdered inventors, stole their stuff or drove them into hiding. They got away with this because of their media control. They have now lost much of that control. The copyright regime they are trying to implement is their attempt to regain it but there’s too much opposition to it.

The people who have these technologies know that their safety is the rapid way information can be widely spread via the internet. When one breaks into public perception all the other jump out straight after. There’s going to be at least four different systems.

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