
myspaceinvader #fundie mynewip.com

Why are they immoral? Perhaps because they're criminals, homosexuals, perverted, murderers, theifs, liars, rapists, adulterers, warmongers, drug addicts, self-serving, barbaric and unbound by any constraints of conscience or moral compass. People do that following all religion u say. Well these are common traits ONLY amongst either confirmed or unconfirmed atheists within the ranks of religion. REGARDLESS of what religion claim to follow they lack fear of God. End of story!

myspaceinvader #fundie mynewip.com

myspaceinvader | April 30, 2007
You think you are 'free' when you have no religion you are wrong. YOu are a prisoner. A prisoner bound to your lost ego without any spiritual fulfilment you are NOTHING.
You may not realise it but when you reject God there is a yearning to seek worship in some thing. History has shown this , in the 1960 atheists were experimenting with other stupid philosphies such as the Hippie movement, and various crazed cults, or idol worshipping fake celebertry pop/film stars - most of whom are complete twats. That rolling star celeb for example who snorted his own father's ashes. And the whole purpose of marriage for atheist is just to have kids then get divourced. In Atheism do you find such utter sick sickness. And rather than admonishing these acts are celebrated!! You think that happens in all religions WELL YOU ARE RIGHT. It does happen, but ONLY because these people are their religion only by name and uncofirmed ATHEISTS at heart

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