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Heresy – I’ve had enough

I must inform you that I’ve reached my limit with regard to the antics of the Holy Father.
I will continue to pray for the Holy Father, the man. Most especially, I pray for his conversion. But I can no longer remain quiet on his actions. Words have meaning, and the damage is real. I have spent three years in the shadows, only blogging anonymously or commenting anonymously on his multitude of errors, blasphemies, calumnies, and ad hominem attacks. My silence ends today.
I’m going public, and I’m attaching my name to the truth. I’m proclaiming that contraception is an intrinsic evil; does he even understand what that means? I’m proclaiming eugenics as an intrinsic evil. I’m proclaiming that there is not now, nor has there ever been, a conflict between the Fifth and Sixth Commandment. I’m proclaiming that a sovereign nation has not just a right, but indeed a duty, to defend its border and protect its citizens.
Oh, and that’s just since Thursday. Three years of this, and I’m worn out.
Have a look at the quote on our offertory envelopes for the Third Sunday of Lent: “Everyone has his own idea of good and evil, and must choose to follow the good and fight the evil as he conceives them. That would be enough to make the world a better place.”
I don’t even know where to begin. This kind of heresy makes the world, in fact, a terrible place; a haven for abortionists, jihadis, and sodomites, all of whom think their actions are good. This isn’t garden variety heresy, wherein a drop of poison is added to otherwise sound doctrine. No, this is a whopper. In short, it’s the opposite of what the Church teaches. Surely we can find a different envelope supplier.
This blog will remain anonymous, at least for now. It provides me certain options should things get ugly, which they surely will. Unfortunately, the main vehicle for my public defense of the faith will need to be facebook. There is just no other means to get the message out as effectively. I await with interest to be condemned by my Pollyanna Catholic friends and lauded by the Evangelicals.

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